(New York Composite Television) At the UN Security Council's emergency meeting on Friday (November 4), it attacked Russia and China to provide comprehensive protection for North Korea to prevent North Korea from further sanctions from the Security Council.

North Korea has launched missiles every day to exacerbate tensions on the Korean Peninsula. The member states of the Security Council, the United States, Britain, France, Albania, Ireland and Norway, the Security Council demands the Security Council.

The United States Ambassador to the United Nations Greenfield has condemned Russia and China to do its best to defend North Korea's continuous launch of ballistic missiles.She criticized China and Russia. "You can't help you to launch the Ukrainian aggression war because North Korea may provide weapons, or think that North Korea can act as a buffer zone between you and the United States, and throw off your responsibility in the Security Council."

Sino -Russian anti -referring to the United States and South Korea's large -scale military exercises, which has exacerbated the tension of the Korean Peninsula.Zhang Jun, the Chinese ambassador to the United Nations, said that the Chinese side called on the United States to stop unilateral rendering intensive confrontation, take responsibility, take action, reflect our sincerity, and actively respond to the reasonable and reasonable concern of the North Korea, creating conditions for restarting meaningful dialogue.

He also said that the Security Council should play a constructive role.The Security Council's discussion should help to maintain stability and chaos on the peninsula, restart the relevant parties' conversation negotiations, and solve the real difficulties of North Korea.

The Security Council did not issue a joint statement after the Friday meeting, but 10 very important members of the country issued another statement to condemn North Korea's missile launch and called on the Security Council to "make a consistent voice on the North Korean issue."

Bloomberg analysis article pointed out that North Korea ’s unprecedented missile launch recently highlights the consequences of the tension between Sino -US relations. China and Russia have previously played a key role in the UN sanctions. Now the Security Council has to achieve such a united opportunity.

Saturday was close to noon, North Korea launched four short -range ballistic missiles in the western waters in the Donglin area of Ping'an North Road.

responding to North Korea ’s launch of missiles Hanmei decided to extend the military exercise for one day

Obviously, North Korea is going to protest the joint air performance of the alert storm launched from October 31 on October 31.This round of exercise was scheduled to end on Friday, but Hanmei decided to extend the day to respond to the launch of the missiles in North Korea for the past few days.On this last day, the U.S. military dispatched B-1B strategic bomber, which was the first time that the B-1B bomber has participated in the US and South Korea exercises since 2017.

Due to the tight situation of the Korean Peninsula, South Korea has demanded that the United States has deployed more strategic weapons, including long-range bombers such as aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines and B-1B.At the end of October, the United States had dispatched four B-1B bomber at the base of Guam.

Faced with North Korea's missile threats, the Korean army's response was in a row, including a series of mistakes such as missile misunderstanding, loss of contact, and air explosion.Han Jun fired the Xuanwu-2C ballistic missile on Friday.This series of mistakes caused concerns, showing that South Korea's ability to fully show accurate strikes and the situation of immediately hit immediately as the military said.