(Yangx Sports) voted on Tuesday (November 8th) in the United States.The Democratic Party tried to characterize this election as a referendum against US democracy during the campaign, while the Republican Party emphasized that it can better solve the people's economic difficulties.

President Biden warned when he helped the Democratic Party in New York on Sunday that if the Republican party won the midterm election, it might weaken the United States' democracy.He said that many Republican candidates supported the former President Trump pointed out that the theft of the presidential election in 2020 threatened the US democratic norms."Democracy is indeed on the votes. You can't only be patriotic just after you win."

Klobochar, a Senator of the Minnesota Democratic Party, said that the remarks of many Republican candidates made people doubt about the results of the last presidential election."These candidates throw the truth out of the window. They are destroying the rule of law and joking political violence. If you are a Democratic party, an independent person or a gentle Republican, democracy is on the voting, it is time to vote to support democracy."

Republicans counterattack claiming that the opponent was unable to give voters actual help, but could only launch a saliva war.

Governor Yang Jin, the Governor of Virginia, said in a television interview that Republicans have "clear common sense solutions" about inflation and crimes that Americans are worried about inflation, crimes, etc.

Republican Senator Walker asked voters at the Georgian Mass Congress: "Do you feel painful in the past two years? They can only watch it."

This time it was re -elected for all 435 seats and about one -third or 35 seats of the House of Representatives.Republicans believe they can regain the control of the House of Representatives, even the Senate.

Reuters' poll last week showed that only 40 % of Americans recognized Biden's performance.The latest polls of the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) make the Democratic Party disturbing, and 72 % of the voters of the interviewed believe that the country is moving towards the wrong direction.The results of these polls forced Biden to cancel the journey to multiple elections.

Medium -term elections are usually regarded as referendums in the governance of the president. If the presidential support rate is less than 50 %, his party will often lose in the election. This is the situation in Biden and the Democratic Party.What is particularly unfavorable to them is that this election is carried out in the heavy shadow of the inflation rate and the decline of the national economy.

The Republican Party made full use of voters' dissatisfaction with high inflation and high energy prices to attack the Democratic Party.Statistics show that 32 % of inflation content in the political advertisements of the Republican Party last month accounted for 32 % of inflation, and only 8 % of political advertisements such as the Democratic Party.Democratic strategists admit that Democrats should talk more about inflation and economy, rather than evading problems.

As of Sunday morning, more than 39.2 million voters voted in advance have surpassed 39.1 million in 2018.

After the voting on Tuesday, the first wave of votes on the east coast was expected to be released after 7 pm Eastern Time (Singapore 9 am on the 9th).At 10 pm in the Eastern time, whether the vote in the central and western regions is also one hour after the end of the central and western regions, whether the Republican Party has won a seat that is sufficient to control the House of Representatives, there may be answers.

As for who will control the Senate, it may take longer to know, or even a few weeks.One of the keys is that the competition in the gastrointestinal seats in Georgia is very fierce. If no candidates get more than half of the votes, the second round of voting must be held on December 6.

The Democratic Party's losing any hospital in Congress will seriously hinder Biden's legislative procedures and ruling efficiency.If both hospitals are lost, his last two years in the White House will completely lose his control of legislation and be reduced to President of Labor Duck.