(Washington News) The US Department of Homeland Security said that China is obtaining an important path of network invasion through the way to dominate the construction of global infrastructure, and calls on countries not to rely on Chinese telecommunications equipment.

Voice of America's official media reported that Silfus, deputy minister of the US Department of Security's strategy, policies, and plans on Friday (October 28) at the Washington Strategy and International Issues Research Center (CSIS), revealed thatThe United States is trying to persuade other countries to not let China lead infrastructure construction to avoid increasing the risk of network security.

Silfus said: "We are in a real competitive environment. We are trying to influence other countries to prevent them from falling into the trap and adopt Chinese -controlled technical infrastructure as the construction of the entire economy and society."

He said: "China's control technology may be the cheapest, but the final bill may not be the case. What will happen after five or 20 years? At that time, the government of the People's Republic of China had influence and ability to withdrawThe support of your entire society. Is this the risk you want to bear? Therefore, this is also a major focus of our international efforts. "

The report released by the US NNW of the Democratic Foundation on Friday also said that China ’s use of network means to obtain economic advantages has expanded and increased in terms of scope, scale and frequency.

The report said that the Chinese government's approach combines theft of intellectual property, economic stress, key infrastructure, and personal identity information of American citizens in large scale, and said that China is installing equipment in global infrastructure, and then uses these equipment to use them.Collect, manipulate or control a large amount of data that move in the system in other ways.


Report also mentioned that network attacks on key infrastructure may disrupt the military mobilization of the United States to protect Taiwan.

Moncorley, director of the Foundation Network and Technology Innovation Center, believes that Beijing will not directly adopt amphibious operations against Taiwan. Instead, it will seek to "win without fighting" through other methods, including attacks on infrastructure.

He said: "(The mainland will try to put pressure on Taiwan.

He believes that cyber attacks will also play a key role in real cross -sea invasion: "They may use network tools to try to destroy satellite communication, just like when Russia invaded Ukraine."

Montgomeli suggested that the US Department of Defense must directly provide Taiwan ’s assistance to the war in terms of network security.

Aiming at the network water army that is associated with China through unreasonable information promotion activities, trying to influence American voters and incite the political division of the United States in the United States.Big destruction, but it will still cause some damage. "