(Morning News) During Saturday (October 29) in Seoul, South Korea, during the celebration of Halloween, a severe stomach broke out.

According to the latest news of the Korean fire department on the 30th, the step -by -step accident has killed at least 151 people and 82 people were injured, and 19 of them lived.

The blood stains on the scene of the accident, and the items left by the dead wounded everywhere can be seen everywhere.(Reuters)

This accident occurred at around 10:20 pm local time on the 29th (9:20 pm Singapore time). As the night fell, the turbulent crowd became more and more unrestrained and excited.

Reuters quoted Cui Chengfan, director of the Longshan Fire Department, reported: "Many people fall during Halloween, and we have a large number of people's casualties ... Many victims are near the nightclub (discovered), and most of them are women around 20 years old."

A 21 -year -old witness said that the traffic of Litaiyuan was more than 10 times that of the normal flow of the night, and there were obvious signs of riots in the alley before the incident.

Cui Chengfan added: "All the deceased may be crushed to death in a narrow alley."

Seoul Fire Department sent a number of people to support.(Agence France -Presse)

Due to a large number of casualties, South Korea officials set up a building near the scene as a temporary mortar room.Officials say the number of deaths may increase.

This is the first time in the three years after South Korea's cancellation of the crown disease epidemic restrictions, the Halloween event of "outdoor no mask" has been held in three years. Many people participating in the party wore masks and Halloween clothing.

Police are searching for evidence in the small alley where there is a step on the accident.(Agence France -Presse)

The official is still investigating the specific reasons for trimming accidents.

After the incident, South Korean President Yin Xiyue urgently instructed the relevant departments to fully support first -aid patients, and the fire unit raised the response stage to the third stage to help the people at the scene.

South Korean President Yin Xiyue (middle) held an emergency meeting with government officials on a step-by-step accident.(Agence France -Presse)