Russia refers to Ukraine's use of 16 drones to attack the Russian Black Sea fleet ships and civilian ships in Crimea Black Sea Port to help ensure the safety of food transportation. OneThe Russian mine sweeping ship was slightly damaged.Ukraine refers to the excuse of Russia's manufacturing to block the sea transportation of food, and the United States has criticized Russia to take food as a weapon.

(Kiev Comprehensive Television) Russia on Saturday (October 29), Russia, suspended the implementation of the Black Sea Port Agricultural Products Foreign Product Foreign Transportation Agreement on the grounds of attacking Russian ships on the grounds of Ukraine. It is expected that it will exacerbate the global food crisis.Russia was immediately condemned by many parties. Ukraine pointed out that Russia made excuses to block the Black Sea Grain Corridor, and the United States criticized Russia to take food as a weapon.

The Russian Ministry of Defense said on Sunday that the wreckage of drones that attacked the Russian ships from the sea, with Canadian parts.The Ministry of National Defense pointed out that drones may be launched on a civilian ships rented from Kiev or Western countries. The ship is used for exporting agricultural products from the Ukraine Port, and the drone passes through the "safe area" of the grain export corridor.

Russia refers to the British Navy experts instruct the Ukraine drone attack

The Russian Ministry of Defense issued a statement on Saturday that Ukraine used 16 drones on the same day and attacked the Russian and Black Sea fleet ships and civilian vessels in the Crimean Heihai Port to help ensure the safety of food transportation.Russian minesweeper was slightly damaged.

The Russian Ministry of Defense also said that the drone attack was conducted under the guidance of the British navy experts, and stated that the British army also participated in the planning and implementation of the destruction of the Beixi natural gas pipeline last month.The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced late on Saturday that starting from time to time, the implementation of the Black Sea Port Agricultural Products Foreign Transportation Agreement was suspended indefinitely.

Ukraine Foreign Minister Coraba posted on a social media on the same day, stating that Russia's excuse to block the Black Sea Grain Corridor."I urge countries to demand Russia to stop hungry games and re -fulfill their obligations for food foreign transportation."

President Zelei, in a national television speech that night, said that Russia tried to trigger a large -scale famine in Africa and Asia.He called on the United Nations and the G20 (G20) to respond strongly to Russia.He also said that Russia should be kicked out of the G20.

U.S. Secretary of State Brinkeng pointed out that Russia turned food into a weapon.He said: "Russia obstructs these important valley grain exports to announce that people and families around the world must buy food at a higher price, otherwise they must be hungry." American President Biden also condemned Russia's move to make people out.Make more people into famine.

A spokesman for UN Secretary -General Gutres and the European Union emphasized that the Black Sea Port Agricultural Products Foreign Transportation Agreement is a key humanitarian aid project. All parties must avoid any actions that will endanger this agreement.

In July of this year, Russia and Ukraine resumed the problem of foreign transportation of agricultural products in the Black Sea Port, signed an agreement with the United Nations with the United Nations with Turkey.So far, this agreement has allowed Ukraine to export more than 9 million metric tons of corn, wheat and other agricultural products.This agreement will expire on November 19th, and the United Nations has recently promoted the extended agreement for one year and accelerated joint inspections of exported grain vessels.

The United Nations and Ukraine have previously expressed their desire to extend the agreement, while Russia pointed out that the agreement involved in Russia has not been effectively implemented, and renewal is not excluded.At present, there are 200 ships in the Black Sea waiting for food to load food. Zelei Sky has previously accused Russia of intentionally obstructing the ship's shore.

British reprimand Russia spreads a large number of false accusations of Russia requested the Security Council to open a conversation attack

In response to Russia's accusation of Britain to participate in attacking Russian vessels and destroying the Beixi pipeline, the British Department of Defense issued a tweet and said: "The Russian Ministry of Defense is spreading large -scale false allegations to transfer people's catastrophic nature of illegal invasion of Ukraine.Pay attention to the processing method. "French Prime Minister Borne also supported Britain that she did not believe Russia's allegations of Britain's participation in the damage of the Beixi pipeline.

Russia requires the United Nations Security Council on Monday (31st) to discuss related attacks.

Turan OGUZ, a Turkish defense analyst, believes that the West's continued cold waiting for Russia is the main reason for the Russian exit agreement."Although the price of the Western market has fallen, Russia has not received any benefits from this agreement."

With the continuous advancement of Ukraine, more and more attacks against Crimea in recent weeks.As a counterattack, Russia increased its attack on Ukraine's energy facilities.

Zerrenzki said on Saturday that the current power supply has gradually restored all over the country, and the situation of emergency power outage has been significantly reduced, but some regions may still have to restrict electricity.

Zelmak, the chief staff of Zellezki, stated on the same day that the war had not stopped one day, and Russia and Ukraine could not reach any agreement.He said: "For Russia, this is a battle of destruction, which is the battle for survival. When they try to destroy Ukraine, any agreement with Russia is destined to fail."