(Washington Composite Electric) Elon Musk, the world's richest man, has become a new owner of social media Twitter (Twitter).

It is only less than two weeks before the US midterm elections. Political observers and media people are worried that after Musk, who has always claimed to be "freedom of speech", it may set off a new wave of false information for elections.Let the pseudo -information people have greater opportunities to use Twitter to spread harmful information.

Musk once said, "There is a public place on the Internet", which can be argued in a healthy way to debate various opinions and not to resort to violence.

The "American Media Affairs", which monitors media fallacy, pointed out: "If Musk implements a small part of his proposal, the platform will open the gate for error information and hatred remarks, and restore many dangers and abuse of abuse.Account. "

Although Musk announced on Friday (October 28), it will set up a content review committee with a wide range of views, claiming that major decisions involving content or re -activating accounts must have the participation of this committee.However, Ge Tuchu, the leader of the media and democratic projects of non -party public interest supervision groups, believes that the content review policy can only play a role under the implementation of the policy to ensure that the policy is implemented.