The US government has recently reduced its dependence on Asian semiconductor suppliers and restricted China to obtain chip manufacturing technology.Biden pointed out that production chips in the United States will reduce the cost of buying cars, washing machines and mobile phones in the United States.

(Washington Composite) The United States believes that China is concerned about the United States' measures to strengthen domestic semiconductor production.

The U.S. government has recently adopted action to reduce its dependence on Asian semiconductor suppliers, and restricts China to obtain chip manufacturing technology.

U.S. President Biden Biden made a speech in Xuecheng, New York on Thursday (October 27), saying: "I heard that () Chinese officials are a little worried about this."

Biden's speech highlighted employment growth and his own economic agenda, which created a momentum for mid -November 8th election.Police surveys show that rising costs are the most concerned topics for voters.

Biden pointed out that production chips in the United States will reduce the cost of buying cars, washing machines and mobile phones in the United States.

Biden said that he signed the effective chip and scientific law in August this year will help the United States surpass other countries in the field of chip manufacturing.The share of 500 % is increased.

The Xuecheng, who delivered a speech by Biden, is the place where Micron Technology plans to invest $ 100 billion (about S $ 141 billion) to expand the output of chip output.Micron said earlier that the new investment plan will create about 50,000 jobs, including 9,000 high -paying positions.

In addition to the chip and science law, the US Department of Commerce announced on October 7 to restrict the selling advanced semiconductor manufacturing equipment to China, and prohibit Americans from helping China to develop chip production technology.

The Ministry of Commerce is responsible for the Deputy Minister of Industry and Safety Estwes on Thursday that the Bayeng government will reach an agreement with the allies in the near future, especially in countries that produce chip manufacturing equipment such as Japan and the Netherlands.The chip manufacturing equipment is exported to China.

Estwes revealed at the event held by the Washington Think Tank's new US Security Center that the United States will talk with the allies on multilateral restrictions and share information about China's threats.U.S. officials will also discuss export control issues directly with relevant companies.

He said that the US semiconductor manufacturing equipment supplier has told the US government that he hopes that export control is multilateral measures.

China: The United States abuse export control and regulatory merchants will suffer huge losses

The global chip equipment market is dominated by companies in the United States, Japan and the Netherlands, namely the United States ’application materials, Panlin Group and Ko Lei, Japan's Tokyo Power Science and Technology and Asmore in the Netherlands.

This series of measures in Biden attracted criticism in China.The Chinese Embassy in the United States criticized the United States to abuse export control measures on Thursday, accusing the Bayeng government of adopting the "political and weapons" approach to normal economic and commercial cooperation, which eventually caused huge losses in merchants and consumers in the two countries.

Analysis said that Biden tightened the restrictions on the export of Chinese chips again, and the global semiconductor industry was worse.American allies such as South Korea and Japan are worried that domestic semiconductor companies will be impacted.