(Washington Composite Electric) The United States evaluates that China has no longer accepting the status quo, which will increase pressure on Taiwan and accelerate the unified process of cross -strait.U.S. Secretary of State Broskere reiterated that the United States does not seek conflict with China or the Cold War, but will resolutely defend its own interests and values.

Blingken Wednesday (October 26) said in an interview with Bloomberg that in the past 40 years, the United States only acknowledged China in diplomacy, and at the same time provided Taiwan with weapons to improve its self -defense capabilities, which helps to ensure that China and the United States will not be in the United States.Because of the conflict between Taiwan.However, "the current change is that the Chinese government has decided not to accept this situation."

He said that China should accelerate the unified process and decide to increase pressure on Taiwan, including in various methods to make difficulties in Taiwan. If the high pressure strategy does not work, China does not rule out that "use force to achieve goals."

Brinken believes that this is not only the United States, but also something that Asia and countries around the world should pay attention to."All relevant parties, which are first including China, have shown that the world does not want to see any crisis or destruction around Taiwan, which is in line with everyone's interests."

He said that the current situation in the past few decades has caused Taiwan to flourish and become the power to lead the world's advanced semiconductor manufacturing; if this situation is damaged for any reason, it will have a profound impact on the global economy.

Brinken said that today, China and the United States are obviously competing with each other in guiding international affairs, and China is challenging the United States with a "unwilling" world order.

He emphasized: "We don't seek conflict, we don't want the Cold War, we have not tried to control or curb China, but we also resolutely defend our interests and values. On the issue of Taiwan, we have adhered to decadesThese differences require peace management and solution. "

Chinese officials have just opened the third term.On October 16, he said in a work report at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China that China will do its best to strive for the prospect of peace and unity, but he will never promise to give up the use of force.Blingken attended a forum event on the 17th that Chinese officials were leading the direction of China's dynasty.

Blint warning Putin to use a nuclear general to face serious consequences

Brinken also mentioned the Russian and Ukraine War in an interview on Wednesday.He warned Russian President Putin that if Russia uses nuclear weapons, it will face serious consequences."I have been very clear and directly convey to the Russians, including President Putin."

Brincken said that Moscow claimed that Ukraine's attempt to use dirty bombs was "fabricating facts."He said that there is no need to change the nuclear position in the United States.

He promises that the United States will continue to support Ukraine and provide support for European countries dedicated to energy transformation, including increasing US oil and gas output, and release more strategic petroleum reserves.

In response to Saudi Arabia and the Oil League+(OPEC+) earlier announced the reduction of production, Brinken believes that this is a "error" decision and does not match the United States' analysis of oil demand.He said Washington will adjust the relationship with Saudi Arabia to better reflect the interests of the United States.

Brintken pointed out that although Saudi Arabia has recently taken some active actions, including providing humanitarian assistance to Ukraine, voting to support Russia and swallowing Ukraine territory at the United Nations General Assembly, these actions cannot make up for the negative impact of oil production.