A stamping accident on the weekend before Halloween, Seoul, South Korea. By the time last night, 154 people died, including 26 foreigners, 102 people were injured, and multiple people were seriously injured. The number of deaths may increase.

Stepping on Saturday (October 29) occurred around 10.20 pm, and the location was just four meters wide next to the Hamilton Hotel in Litaiyuan.It is located on the slope, with a total length of about 40 meters and only two exit.At the time of the incident, it was estimated that more than 100,000 people gathered in Longshan District where Litaiyuan was located to celebrate Halloween. One of the crowds poured into this narrow downhill road, crowded and difficult to breathe.Before the accident, someone in the crowd fell, and the people behind followed the forward, and the people stacked for several layers.

A 30 -year -old office worker said, "I heard that well -known Internet celebrities are here, and some people are looking at stars; some people want to go home and rush to the last subway. In the steep path, the crowd is commotion,The scene was out of control, and the people behind fell one by one and layered layer by layer. "

Witnesses present said that because the people in front did not know that the people in front were pushing down, the people in the two directions were working hard at the same time, and a group of people moved back and forth like a ball.After I heard screams everywhere.

Another witness said that people pushed each other, and someone fell at his feet, and someone pressed on him.They asked for help, but the music in the alley was too loud, and their shouts were drowned.

South Korean fire officials said that they received a call for help at 10:24 that night, and they received 81 links within an hour.Due to the violations of the rules of many private cars in Litaiyuan Street, which hindered the ambulance and medical care, they arrived at the side of the road in front of the Hamilton Hotel at 11 pm and the side of the Litaiyuan Police Station to perform first aid for the wounded.

The roadside emergency is mistaken for special programs

Some witnesses said that when the ambulance team was present, some people thought they were dressed in Halloween and sang and dancing next to them. They did not give them ways to hinder the rescue operation.When police and firefighters do cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the roadside, some people think they are Halloween special programs.

However, some witnesses said that this was "the expected tragedy."Six hours before the accident, the place of the incident was crowded, and the flow of people was saturated.

South Korean media pointed out that on the 29th, the passenger flow of Litaiyuan Station of the Seoul Metro Line 6 reached 130,000.30%.

Analysis pointed out that on September 26, the South Korean government reduced outdoor wearing masks to order "national obligations" to "suggestions to wear". This Halloween is the first time in three years "Halloween without masks", attracting a large number of young people enthusiastically.Participation, excessive flow of people poured into the roots of the tragedy.

(Reporter is United Morning Post )