(Berlin Composite Electric) The German government approves Chinese -funded enterprises to invest in the Hamburg Port Pier, but it is limited to the "existence of a threat to public order and security" to restrict the acquisition scale.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs of Germany announced on Wednesday (October 26) that it allows Chinese -owned state -owned state -owned enterprise COSCO to acquire a Tollerort container terminal of no more than 25 % of the equity.

Hamburg Port is an important logistics hub for cargo transportation between China and Europe.Burger Port and Logistics Co., Ltd.'s Fuki Wharf is one of the four container terminals of Hamburg Port.

In September last year, the COSCO Shipping issued 65 million euros (about 92 million S $ 92 million) to acquire 35 % equity of Fudi Wharf.The acquisition plan was controversial in the German ruling alliance, including six government departments including the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Ministry of National Defense, and the Ministry of Intelligence that the key infrastructure should not fall into the hands of foreigners.

As Germany tasted bitter fruit because of excessive relying on Russia's energy, many Germans also worried about China too much on their economy.

Supporting acquirers believes that this transaction will improve the competitiveness of Burger Port.China has also urged Germany not to politicize the acquisition plan.

The former Prime Minister of Hamburg Mayor, Shuerz, is a supporter of this transaction.He recently warned that "decoupling" with China may have serious economic consequences on export -oriented Germany.Souls visit China next week will be the first EU leader to visit China since November 2019.

Critics believe that Tonalz promotes the acquisition to pave the way for this.

According to the compromise scheme approved by Germany, COSCO Shipping can only acquire 24.9 % of the equity of Fudi Wharf, and shareholders must hold at least 25 % of the shares to have the right to vote.The Ministry of Economic Affairs said that the role of COSCO Shipping is limited to "pure financial participation."

However, the Green Party Councilor Hofeite criticized: "This is purely a business plan, reminiscent of similar remarks about Russia and Beixi natural gas pipelines. This statement can only be said to be naive. We must be realistic.Look at China. "

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a routine press conference on Wednesday: "Cooperation is mutually beneficial, and hopes that relevant parties will rationally view Sino -German and pragmatic cooperation and stop for no reason."