(Washington Composite Electric) less than two weeks before the US midterm elections. The latest polls show that the support rate of President Biden fell below 40%again, close to the low since he took office.

According to Reuters/IPSOS on Wednesday (October 26), only 39%of Americans are satisfied with Biden's governance performance, which is lower than a week ago.percentage point.

Bynden was on the stage when the crown disease epidemic was raging in January 2021. The impact of response by the epidemic to the economy was one of his biggest challenges.

As the inflation rate and living expenses rose, in May and June this year, his support rate once fell to a low point of 36%.One -third of the interviewees believe that the economy is the biggest problem in the United States; 10%of the people are most worried about crime issues; only 5%of people have considered the Supreme Court to overthrow the abortion.EssenceThe abortion right is one of the topics of the Democratic Party owned by Biden.

This two -day online survey of 1005 adults participated, including 447 Democrats and 369 Republicans.The investigation error is four percentage points.

Due to the low polls of Biden, more and more people believe that the Republican Party will repeat the House of Representatives in the mid -term elections on November 8th, and may even win the control of the two houses.As long as the Republican Party controls one of the hospitals, it can paralyze Biden's legislative agenda.

The polls released by Harris Poll on October 14th, the Harvo University Political Research Center and Harris Public Survey (Harris Poll) showed that 53%of the voters were voted to the Republican Party and only 47%chose the Democratic Party.