Japan's private think tank Japan Strategic Research Forum conducted military exercises on the Taiwan Strait crisis table in August this year to simulate the unification of Mainland China and the Japanese -China -China armed confrontation that occurred in the process.

Shrine News Sunday (October 23) reported the desktop exercise held in Tokyo from August 6th to 7th.It is reported that, in the report of the 20th National Congress of China, the Chinese official reported that "never promise to abandon the use of force" to unify Taiwan, and the tension atmosphere of the Taiwan Strait situation spread in Japan.

The western end of Japan is only 110 kilometers away from Naiguo Island, and Japan has always been worried about being involved in the Taiwan Strait.After Plogsi, the Speaker of the House of Representatives in the United States, visited Taiwan in August this year, the "Locking Terrace" military exercise in mainland China launched 11 ballistic missiles in the "Locking Terrace" military exercises around Taiwan, of which five of them fell in the Japanese exclusive economic zone.

The Taiwan Strait Crisis Desktop Military Show of the Japan Strategic Research Forum was held during the "Locking" military exercise.The time point of the exercise script was the third time in China's official term of office. In 2027, the personnel who participated in were the former officers of the Self -Defense Force and the Liberal Democratic Party cadres.

The exercise script assumes that the economic bubble was burst three years after 2027, and it recovered Taiwan in a turbulent atmosphere of society.The script assumes that the mainland will be "ritual and then soldiers", and promise Taiwan before moving the military, "If you acknowledge that it is affiliated with a province in China, you will give 100 years of autonomy."

This desktop military exercise also includes armed confrontation between Japan and the middle of Japan. The scene includes China to launch a large number of armed fishing vessels to surround the islands with sovereignty disputes in Japan, cut off submarine cables, and destroy the Ishigaki Airport runway in Okinawa.

Current Affairs News Agency reported that Japanese officials have already begun to develop the Taiwan Strait crisis. The 2022 Japanese defense white paper released in July this year mentioned that mainland China will first gather military exercises in the coastal coastal to launch missiles such as missiles and other warnings to Taiwan.Essence

I heard the opinions of senior US officials when Japanese defense documents were revised

In addition, when the Japanese government revised national defense documents such as national security protection strategies, it mainly considers how to cope with China, which has continued to expand military reserve, and heard the opinions of senior US officials such as Vice Minister of Defense Walker and think tank experts during the revision process.

The General News Agency quoted relevant sources on Saturday that the United States emphasized that China should specially consider China and indicate that if Japan decides to have the ability to attack the enemy base, it is "it is necessary to clarify the division of labor in advance in advance."

From January to July this year, the Japanese government heard the opinions of experts from all parties.The United States enumerated the scene of Japanese defense's demeanor includes: 1. Directly attacked by ballistic missiles; 2. Battle on the islands of the south and west; 3. Third, pressure on Japan through sea blockade.Regarding the issues raised by Japan's strike power, the United States emphasizes that "it is necessary to consider Japan and the United States (the situation), rather than Japan unilaterally."

The United States also mentioned that "Japan is also necessary to explore and owns and owns the" that can accurately strike enemy weapons in the Russian and Ukraine war, and say that the most important element in the battle is technology.

From January to July this year, the Japanese government heard the opinions of experts from all parties.The United States enumerated the scene of Japanese defense's demeanor includes: 1. Directly attacked by ballistic missiles; 2. Battle on the islands of the south and west; 3. Third, pressure on Japan through sea blockade.