A Galip Pin recently showed that American voters trust the Republican Party's ability to deal with urgent economic issues, and the Republican Party leads 11 percentage points in the field of people's livelihood.The Speaker of the House of Representatives Plusi called the Democratic candidate on Saturday that the results of the midterm election will be decided at the table of the American families.

(Washington Comprehensive Television) The mid -term elections will be held two weeks after the United States. High inflation and risk of economic recession have become the focus of campaign during the sprint stage.The Democratic Party, which has the right to abortion, the right to anger, and serious crimes, has to fight on the subject of people's livelihood.

Recently, a Gallop poll shows that voters trust the Republican Party's ability to deal with urgent economic issues, and the Republican Party leads 11 percentage points in the field of people's livelihood.The Speaker of the House of Representatives Plusi called the Democratic candidate on Saturday that the results of the midterm election will be decided at the table of the American families.

Susan Wild, a member of the Democratic member of the Pennsylvania, recently emphasized in television debate that reducing prices is her priority task.She said: "I cheer for the car and buy daily grocery by myself. I can feel people's pain."

Wilder plans to make his constituency into a high -tech manufacturing hub, and criticize the Republican opponent and President of the Republican opponent, and the president of the aluminum pigment company, Lisa Scheller, outsourcing the United States to China.The local Republican leader refuted, saying that Biden made the US economy messed up.

Tom Malinowski, a member of the New Jersey Democratic member of the New Jersey Democratic Party, vigorously promoted that the Democratic Party's policy achievements in reducing drug prices and promoting semiconductor production activities.He proposed a number of measures against high inflation, including cracking down on prices, increasing legal immigrants to solve the problem of labor shortage, and forcing them to reduce oil prices by punishing oil production countries.

Tom Kean Jr., a Republican candidate, pointed out that Marinovsky was the accomplices of inflation.He promised that he would reverse the out of control government expenses and reduce taxes to block the rise of inflation.

Perosi accuses Republicans of poor management of crown disease

The Democratic Speaker of the House of Representatives Perlis specially wrote a special letter of Democratic members on Saturday to remind them what they had done to relieve the pressure of inflation; the Democratic candidate should also show what actions would be taken if they were elected.

Pelossey wrote: "The coming election will set the victory and defeat on the table ... ... We must take a higher price for American families to convey clear and convincing information."

Pelosi has accused Republicans of poor management of crown disease, which has led people to lose their jobs, small enterprises, and block the supply chain.She also said that Russia's invasion of Ukraine has exacerbated global inflation, and greedy companies and special interest groups are trying to use this crisis to make prices.

The US Ministry of Finance released data on the 21st that the US fiscal deficit in 2022 reached US $ 1.375 trillion, a number of US $ 2.776 trillion from the 2021 fiscal year.Biden said on the same day that the fiscal deficit data of the fiscal year in 2022 "proves that we are resumed the economy responsible."