International Special Special

Tokyo Special Commissioner

waiting for more than two years, Japan finally fully opened the country to welcome overseas tourists again, and the club for visiting Japan was reproduced. While the Japanese government wants to attract international tourists to visit consumption after opening, Revisit the tourism and national economy in order to achieve the goal of 60 million entry tourists in 2030. However, in the face of difficult issues such as decreased population year by year and insufficient labor force, what difficulties do the Japanese tourism industry must overcome tourists?

The crown disease epidemic that has been raging for more than two years has kept Japan locked the country.On October 11 this year, Japan finally fully opened up and free to overseas tourists.At present, short -term passengers in 68 countries and regions allow visa -free entry.With the loosening of various measures for border control, various famous attractions in Japan quickly resumed the endless lively scenes of tourists in the past.

Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan, has a unique natural environment. At present, in the autumn, tourists in Qingshui Temple and Lanshan are weaving.The crowds of tourists with famous tourist attractions have appeared on the first weekend after they are fully opened.

The first day of open foreign tourists Han Taimei Fima ranks in the top five

Japan's largest tourist news network "Labo visit to Japan" quotes the location information data of Japan Telecom DOCOMO, saying that the number of people around Kyoto on the weekend increases by 20%compared with the same period last year, and it has resumed more than 80%of the outbreak before the outbreak of 2020.EssenceSome hotels in Osaka and Kyoto are almost full, and new orders are not accepted on the scheduled website until December.

According to the data released by the Japan Tourism Department, among the foreign tourists entering Japan on the first day of opening, the top five countries in the number of people are South Korea, Thailand, the United States, the Philippines and Malaysia.

Male tourists traveling with their families in Malaysia in Malaysia in Malaysia said excitedly when they were interviewed by Lianhe Zaobao: "Before I opened, I went to Japan during the epidemic, and I had to wait for a visa for two months. Now this restriction is canceled.I can also bring my family together, it feels good to be free to go to Japan again! "

Zheng Zhanrong, a student of Temasek Institute of Technology in Singapore, and two classmates booked cheap air tickets to travel to Tokyo.He told Lianhe Zaobao: "Because of the depreciation of the Japanese currency, the travel hotel and consumption every day are in the budget. It is more than enough for preparing 5,000 yen (about NASD 47)."

Overseas tourists enter Japan to enjoy duty -free discounts, and the shops are full of goods. It is a shopping paradise for visitors to Japan.The person in charge of the Japanese large store "Don Quijote" revealed: "Compared with the number of customers in the previous week, the number of tax -free customers has increased by about 250%, which is expected to increase.Great. "

The data released by the Japan Tourism Agency shows that in 2019, Japan's tourism consumption reached 2.92 trillion yen, of which 80%(23.8 trillion yen) came from domestic tourists in Japan.Trillion yen.

The official international financial revenue and expenditure statistics of Japan also shows that in 2019, in 2019, in the international account surplus, the revenue earned from overseas tourists accounted for 14%of the total.The emergence of the epidemic has caused the income of the Japanese tourism industry to have fallen to 2%in the past two years.Both the Japanese government and tourism industry expect that the current weak yen can stimulate entry tourists to spend more.

Chi Koizhi, the director of the Japanese Travel Industry Association's affairs, said in an interview with this newspaper: "For the Japanese tourism industry, this is a huge business opportunity. In 2019, the average consumption of each entry tourist in Japan is 158,000 days.Yuan, this is only basic consumption such as calculating transportation and accommodation, and does not include shopping. After the epidemic, the Japanese tourism industry's strategy is to extend tourist travel time.Culture and food. "

Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Tian Wenxiong also revealed when he announced the relaxation of border control: "We have set a goal to increase foreign tourists from foreign tourists from 30 million to 60 million from 2030.Introduce new measures and formulate sustainable ways to revive the Japanese tourism industry. "

He also has high hopes for travel consumption of foreign tourists visiting Japan, saying that the future goal is to earn more than 5 trillion yen of tourism income every year.

"Sightseeing State" is a new development strategy proposed by Japan to enter the 21st century. The Japanese government hopes to promote economic recovery by revitalizing the tourism industry.In the 2003 governance speech, the then Prime Minister Koizumi Koizumi proposed the target figures of overseas tourists for the first time, that is, 10 million entry tourists in 2010 reached 10 million.However, Japan has only achieved the goal of 10 million tourists visiting Japan by 2013.

The late Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced a "tourist country" policy during the second administration, indicating that it is necessary to strategically relax visa and allow immigration tourists to steadily increase to 30 million.In 2013, Japan finalized to host the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, which played a certain role in promoting tourism policies.In 2019 before the outbreak of the crown disease, Japan received a total of 31.9 million foreign tourists, which was the highest.After the outbreak, only 250,000 were ushered in in 2021.

Investigation: The first time to surpass the competitiveness of Japanese tourism in Western countries for the first time, ranking first in the world

The World Economic Forum (WeF) released the 2021 global tourism development index inspection report in May this year to rank tourist competitiveness in 117 countries and regions around the world.The survey is based on the survey of multiple international organizations, and the development level of tourism resources, the development level of tourism infrastructure, and sustainability of various countries have been quantified.In this survey, Japan surpassed Western countries for the first time.

Japanese tourist economic critic Sugura Sugura Sugura said in an interview: "The Japanese tourism industry is on a relatively smooth road, a tourist -oriented country. Before the epidemic, Spain, the United States, and the United States, and the United States and the United StatesFrance is the major international tourist destination. These countries can attract 70 million people in the peak period. Now Japan's ranking in this report is better than these countries.Not a dream. "

"Excessive tourism" affects residents' lives

However, the Japanese tourism industry must actively think about how to avoid the problems brought by "excessive travel".

Ancient capital JingThe number of tourists in the capital is "among the best" in the country, but the problem of tourism pollution has always attracted much attention.It is reported that some measures to loosen some measures on June 10th on June 10. When the local area was preparing to receive foreign tourists, it also triggered concerns about the "squeezing" ancient capitals before the epidemic.

Nakai Jiro, who coached in Longgu University, Kyoto, published a crowded Kyoto. The content pointed out that some residents in some tourist areas in Kyoto were very dissatisfied with the official tourism policy.For example, they do not like foreign tourists to chase geishas with cameras, which causes trouble to local residents.Others also include tourists who are dragging on large suitcases in the city, causing residents to not be able to get on the car at all.

Therefore, this time, Kyoto officials also trying to prevent the spread of crown diseases and try to solve the problem of "squeezing" for multiple tourist tourism areas.

Kyoto introduced a web page called "Comparative Map" in October to guide tourists to avoid crowded areas in multiple languages.This was originally launched in 2019. In order to prevent the concept of tourism crowded, there was only the Japanese version during the epidemic.In order to cooperate with Japan's pine enrollment measures, Kyoto officials also provide this service in various languages, and tourists can view the crowded degree and prediction data of different places in each time.Areas that use cameras to monitor tourists include the seven areas of the most popular tourists such as Gion and Kiyoshi Temple, Arashishan in Saga, and Fujian District.Kyoto City hopes that tourists, including foreigners, can enjoy the Kyoto scenery in a safe, peaceful and comfortable way.

In addition, Associate Professor Tian Xiang of the Ministry of Culture of the University of Tokyo wrote a dissertation on over -tourism. He pointed out that until 2019, Japanese entry tourists were concentrated in urban areas, causing the "entry gap" between urban and rural areas.

After the outbreak of the crown disease, the entry tourists in Japanese cities no longer exist, and rich Japanese tourists flow to domestic rural areas and hot spring resorts.Once the border measures are over, the number of outbound people may increase. To attract foreign tourists from the country from the city to the countryside, it will also become a major direction for the official and industry after the opening of the country.

The hotel industry changes its strategy to meet the needs of tourists

During the "lock country", Japanese tourists experienced a long winter and tried to attract tourists to stay for a few more days.It has a history of more than 150 years in Dingshan Creek Hot Spring in Sapporo, Hokkaido. In order to allow tourists to live for a few more days, the local government has set up seven restaurants and retail stores around the Hot Spring Hotel.The local tourism strategy is to seize the leisure tourists of "slow travel" and increase their willingness to consume in the local area.

After two and a half years, the Japanese high -end hotel group Hiroshino Group, which still maintains the status of the hotel king, has opened the "micro -tourism" around the hotel to satisfy the guests.The group trained employees became local accompany and led residents into towns to understand local cultural characteristics.For example, in Hoshino Hotel in Hamong City, Shizuoka Prefecture, the theme of Shizuoka Tea is based on the theme of Shizuoka, allowing tourists to immerse themselves in nature tea gardens during the check -in and enjoy tea culture and tea bath.

The Group President Hoshino Hoshi said: "After the epidemic, the way to travel to a hotel to eat two meals is not what people want. In the rare countryside of people, a quiet and slow lifestyle can relax the residents naturally. We believe this.The era of leisure tourism will be a major trend in the post -epidemic era. "

Encourage the industry to improve quality and attract high -end tourists

The Japanese government has set a goal of 60 million inbound tourists in 2030, accused of being a policy of insisting on chasing the "digital".Daily news reports revealed that while the Japanese officials pursued the number of times, considering the reality of decreased labor force, the new goal of opening the door to welcome guests is to encourage tourists to attract "high consumption" tourists by improving "quality".

However, for the Japanese tourism industry that achieved growth in the growth of general public group tourism after World War II, there are still shortcomings to provide services, talents and operating experiences for high -end tourism.In other words, the measures to build a comfortable tourism environment for the rich class are areas that must be vigorously strengthened.

According to daily news reports, there are more than 60,000 accommodation facilities in Japan, and most of them are operated by small and medium -sized enterprises.Most of these operators lack brand awareness and operational knowledge to satisfy tourists from the wealthy class.In addition, Japan rarely has high -priced accommodation to attract high -end tourists.

However, in the past two years, the Japanese industry has reflected on the operation of "thin profits and more sales". Some hotels are transforming to create a brand and improve the accommodation environment to optimize the quality of service and bring higher tourists to tourists higher.Tourism quality.

A cheap accommodation facility that served students in Xiajing District, Kyoto City, actively transformed during the epidemic, renamed and positioned with the French high -end food brand "Fauchon", which changed the development prospect of the hotel.

The "magic" that creates a sense of luxury includes not only the change of the hotel hall pattern, but the guest rooms also renovate and expand the space.Before that, the hotel had 144 rooms, which was reduced to 59 after renovation.However, room prices have increased, ranging from 5,000 yen per night to now 60,000 to 130,000 yen.

To combine the tourism industry into manufacturing into a local urban economic driving force

The hotel room design in Hekou Lake, Yamana Prefecture, Japan can enjoy the beauty of Mount Fuji from the window.It is reported that the average price of local hotels has increased to 120,000 to 130,000 yen, but during the epidemic, the occupancy rate reached about 90%.

The head of a local hot spring hotel said: "During the epidemic period, most tourists from staying in the hotel to check -out, almost stayed in the hotel to enjoy facilities and services, and the hotel itself could be a tourist destination." Nikkei News pointed out that since the 2000s, Japan's "sightseeing country" blueprint is to make the tourism industry combine the manufacturing industry and become the driving force for the local city economy.In other words, the plan hopes to use productivity, generate profits, and use funds to invest in local construction.In this process, the salary of tourist workers is also increased.

In the process of revitalizing the tourism industry, Japanese officials saw the employment effect brought by this field. The Japanese population currently engaged in the tourism industry has 4.56 million, accounting for 6.6%of all industries.

However, only one -third of these more than 4.5 million people are fixed employees.The differences in human resources are considered to affect the quality of service, and then affect the effectiveness of the development of tourism.

Japanese tourism experts suggest that officials should allow Japanese residents to take long vacations according to regional regions to improve accommodation and tourism in Japan.In addition, overseas tourism strategies can also attract overseas tourists in the off -season, so that tourism demand can be stable all year round.This can solve employment problems and can also give this industry a more stable development.