(Brussels Complex) The EU, which has an increasingly intense relationship with China, is looking at the position of China. Many member states are worried about relying on China in economics. Some member states say that China is more like "systematic opponents", notBusiness partner.

EU leaders spent three hours discuss how to adjust the relationship with China at the EU summit on Friday (October 21).As Chinese leaders and Chinese official materials will break the precedent and obtain a third term, EU leaders say that it is necessary to re -evaluate the way of dealing with China.

The Dutch Prime Minister Lutal told reporters that the European Union will continue to talk to China, but "what we see is that China has become more and more specialized worldwide."

Lithuanian President Sata said that since the invasion of Ukraine in Russia, China ’s support for Russian President Putin shows that Beijing is a“ systemic opponent ”.Lithuania allowed Taiwan to set up a representative office last year, and has since been targeted by China for punitive measures.

EU officially positioned China as partners, economic competitors and systemic opponents in 2019.

The report prepared by the EU foreign policy department for this week clearly states that Beijing should be mainly regarded as competitors who advocate "another world order".

Latvia Prime Minister Carse said in an interview that the EU relies on Chinese technology and raw materials, which is likely to be controlled as relying on Russia's energy."Our dependence is quite large, so it's time to re -review and take measures to reduce this dependence."

Belgian Prime Minister Decro said: "Europeans need to get rid of our naive position ... This does not mean that we do not want to establish relations with China, but we must avoid any form of dependence." French President Macron clearly stated that it was wrong to sell key infrastructure to China in the past, exposing the vulnerability of Europe.

The German media recently disclosed that German Chancellor Tsutz plans to transfer 35 % equity in Europe's third largest Hong Kong Hamburg Port to Chinese state -owned enterprises CICC Group.This sales plan caused controversy in the ruling alliance, and was also opposed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Ministry of Defense and the Intelligence Department, because it was a key infrastructure that should not be fell into the hands of outsiders.

Tsugs explained that it was only part of the transfer rather than most equity, which had a precedent in other European countries.Tsugs will lead German companies to visit China in early November. He will be the first national leader of the Seven Kingdoms Group to visit China since the crown disease epidemic.