(London Composite Electric) The Dust of the British Conservative Party leader is settled. As the only candidate, former Treasury Secretary Sunak automatically become the party leader and will be the Prime Minister.This will be the first Indian prime minister in British history and the youngest government leader in Britain for more than 200 years.

Sunak was determined to become a leader of the party immediately with the Conservative Council closed at a closed door. He pointed out that the Conservative Party faced the crisis of survival and needed to deal with the whole party united up and down.He emphasized that ensuring economic stability is his primary task.He will form a new cabinet in the party to handle the crisis in front of him, and will try his best to fulfill the promise of the Conservative Party in the 2019 election.

Sunak also said that it will not dissolve the parliament in advance and seek voters to commission.Recent polls show that the Conservative Party, the support rate of the Welle Labor Party, has a leading party. If the election is held now, the election situation is obviously not good for the Conservative Party.

On Monday, London (October 24) at 2 pm (Singapore time 9 o'clock last night), the conservative party leader nominated for nomination, only Sunak (42 years old) reached the threshold for candidate. He got the party within the party.Nearly 200 MP support.Without competitors, he automatically became the new party leader of the Conservative Party.

Former Prime Minister Johnson announced that he would not run on Sunday night, removing a major obstacle to Sonak.Before the deadline for nomination on Monday, Modate, the leader of the Conservative Party of the House of Commons, announced his withdrawal.As a result, Bredi, chairman of the Conservative Party 1992, announced that Sunak was the new party leader.

Prior to Johnson said on Sunday evening that 102 members had been supported, but he admitted that he could not unite the Conservative Party, so he decided to withdraw.The Moditte team also said on Monday morning that she has received more than 90 members of the members, but she said in the last moment: "We all need to be united for the country, to each other, the Rich SakaStruggle together. "

Johnson had contacted Sunak and Modot before the election, hoping that the three would "unite for national interests", but the three parties could not obtain consensus.British media reported that Johnson and Sunak negotiated for about three hours on Saturday night, but failed to reach an agreement.Johnson talks to Modot the next day, but Modot refused to support him.

The chairman of the Conservative Party calls on the whole party to support Sonak

After the leader's election results were released, the Conservative Party Chairman Berry called on the entire party to unite to support Sonak.Berry issued a statement saying: "Now the whole party is united and fully supports Sunak. He has to start to deal with the challenges facing Britain. This is a difficult job."

Former Prime Minister Tras said she would fully support Sunak.Telas posted on Twitter and said: "Congratulations to Sonak's election and being appointed as the next Prime Minister. I will fully support you."

The current Treasury Secretary of the United Kingdom Hunter said that the British public finance, market reputation and international reputation have been severely hit, and Sunak is the leader who can restore stability and confidence.

Sunak will face a series of arduous challenges after serving as the Prime Minister, including energy crisis, soaring prices, economic declines, alleviating the turbulence of the financial market, restoring domestic and foreign investors' confidence, and internal division of the Conservative Party.

In addition to financial issues, Sunak also has to face important diplomatic challenges, including the relationship with traditional allies such as the United States, attitudes towards the Russian and Ukraine War, and policies to China.In the last campaign, he was often accused of being too weak.Some discussion believes that in the face of its unfamiliar diplomatic field, Sunak may "Xiao Zhi Cao Sui" and inherit the foreign policy of the first two prime ministers, firmly consistent with the United States.