(London Composite Electric) The situation of the British Conservative Party leader and the Prime Minister's battle gradually became clear. In the end, it is likely that the former Financial Minister Sonak and former Prime Minister Johnson's duel.Based on the British media reports, both of them have crossed the minimum threshold and received the signature support of at least 100 members.

By the time of the deadline, neither Johnson nor Sunaks decided to determine the election, but the British media generally reported that the first popular candidate for Sonc took the lead in crossing the threshold of the election and received the support of 114 Conservative Congress.

British Broadcasting Corporation and Sky News later reported that Johnson has been supported by at least 100 members.Sunday's Chief Political commentator Hipman also quoted sources around Johnson on Twitter that Johnson was supported by 100 members and was expected to replace Tras as Prime Minister again.

The Sunak camp issued a message on Friday that his supporters include many current and former cabinet ministers, such as the current Security Minister, Togen Dart, former Finance Secretary and Health Minister Javid, and Avant -garde Secretary Kok.

Javid said: "Sunak is capable of dealing with the challenges facing the country. He is a suitable candidate to lead our party and leading the United Kingdom."

Congress Elwood revealed that he was the 100th person to show Sunak."Now it is time for the government, as well as the government that can take on the financial responsibility, and take the lead in leadership in China and internationally."

Johnson shortens the holiday and return to London

Johnson shortens the overseas holiday and return to London on Saturday morning.

The Minister of Trade in Johnson Dedridge said earlier that Johnson has sufficient support for members and can compete for the party leader and become the new Prime Minister."He is going to re -lead, he is ready to be ready."

Dedric and other supporters believe that Johnson has the advantage of winning."He is the only person who has won in the election. Whether in London, leading Brexit or winning the authorization of voters, he has actual record."

British media reported that Johnson promised when he contacted the party members of the party that if he was elected, he would "adopt a more tolerant governance method to make the operation of Tangning Street more discipline."

Minister of Defense Wallace has shown tendency to support Johnson.Daily Telecommunications reports that Minister of Trade Badnock and former Interior Minister Bredman also considered supporting Johnson, saying that this helps to unite the rightist in the party.

However, Minister of Security Togente shouted publicly to Johnson and asked him to withdraw from the election.He said: "It's not a moment when playing political games, solving grievances or looking backwards."

The first to announce the election Conservative Party leader Montet has only been supported by 22 people.Montete said that she was encouraged by her colleagues within the party. She promised to unite the people, fulfill the conservative party's commitment, and win the next election.

Conservative MP Selly said that he believed that Monte was the best candidate for the Conservative Party of "Unity and Leadership".

Moody -down British credit rating outlook

The latest polls by Yougov, a polls, show that three of the five voters now want to hold a general election in advance, consistent with the requirements of the opposition party.The Labor Party and other opponents in the wild said that only the elections can end the political chaos that lasted for months.Britain must be held in January 2025 for the next election in January 2025.

The international rating agency Moody's Friday will reduce the UK credit rating to negative. One of the reasons is that Britain's policy is unpredictable.However, it still maintains British sovereign rating at AA3.

Moody's saying that the United Kingdom may increase the loan and the credibility of the policy to continuously weaken, making it risky for its debt repayment capabilities.

Not long ago, when the current Tras government announced the tax reduction plan and triggered market shocks, the Fitch and S & P both lowered the British rating to negative.

New Treasury Secretary Hunter shows that it will fully restore the market's confidence in British public finance.He is preparing to announce the new fiscal plan on October 31 to reduce the proportion of public debt in the medium -term economic output; however, whether the new plan will be affected by the party leader's election and postponed the issuance of attention.