(London Composite Electric) The secret negotiations of former British Prime Minister Johnson and former Treasury Minister Sonak Saturo on Saturday (October 22) broke down, Sonc announced on Sunday that he was competing for the Conservative Party leader to support his Conservative MPmore and more.

According to the statistics of the BBC (BBC), as of 9.30 pm Singapore's Sunday time, Sonak has received public support from at least 145 Conservative MPs.Johnson, who intends to reorganize the constraint, was recognized by 57 people, and 23 people endorsed by Montet, a Conservative Party leader in the house.There were 357 members of the House of Conservatives in the House of Conservatives, and 100 members were nominated for this campaign.

British media reported that Johnson and Sunak met on Saturday night, and the two negotiated for about three hours.Johnson proposed that if he is a prime minister again, he will arrange Sunak to serve as senior government positions, hoping to avoid competition and cause division within the party, but fail to reach an agreement.

Sunak Sunday stated that confidence in defeating Johnson.In a statement issued on Twitter: "I have a record of fulfilling their promises and a clear plan for solving the biggest problems facing Britain. I will realize the commitment in the 2019 (Conservative Party) campaign."

He said that when the Britain faces a serious economic crisis, he hopes to repair the economy, unite the Conservative Party, contribute to the country, and promise that the governments at all levels he leads will be honest, professional and responsible.

Sunak has been determined to get more support of members after the election, including the former head of Johnson's former inner inner inner inner inner, Bredman.She said: "We are now in a difficult situation, we need to unite, stabilize and efficiency, and Sunak is the only candidate to meet the needs."

Sunak resigned in July, which triggered a wave of government resignation and eventually forced Johnson to step down.Former Foreign Minister Tellas stood out in the election of the party leader, but he was announced in 45 days that the Prime Minister had announced his resignation due to financial plans.

Johnson immediately shortened the return of overseas holidays and pursued Dongshan to come back, but in the end of the draft, he still did not express his candidate.Johnson's ally said that he had obtained the number of nominations required for the election, but BBC said he was still fighting for sufficient support.

Former supporters opposed Johnson's election

Many people who supported Johnson in the past are now opposed to his election.They believe that Johnson's return to Tangning Street will exacerbate the division of the party and once again destroy the financial market and economic stability.In addition, the investigation of Congress in response to whether Johnson's "party door" incident was still ongoing. If the evidence was conclusive, he would step down quickly even if he seized the phase.Replacement of the party leader in a short period of time may bring a devastating blow to the Conservative Party.

However, there are still some conservatives who believe that Johnson is currently the best candidate for the current Prime Minister.Foreign Minister Cleverly said on Sunday: "I know Johnson has learned some lessons, and he will ensure that he will focus on the needs of the country from the first day of office. I will support him."On the same day, the British "needed" Johnson's return.

Political analyst Flynn estimates that Sonak may eventually receive more than 200 parliament -nominated support.

The Labor Party leader Stammer once again called for the election in advance, and he said that the Conservative Party was like a "chaotic circus".According to everything as usual, the next election in the UK can only be held in 2025.

The nomination of the Conservative Party selection on Monday (23rd) at 2 pm (9:00 on Singapore time). If there is only one candidate reached the threshold for nomination, this person will automatically be elected party leader and serve as Prime Minister as Prime MinisterEssence

If there are three people crossing the nomination threshold, the Conservative Member will vote and eliminate the lowest number of votes.After that, the members will vote for the remaining two candidates. If the less votes are not refunded automatically, the Conservative Party will allow party members to vote online. As a result, it is expected that Friday (28th) will be announced on Friday (28th).