(New York Reuters) The US Pfizer is expected to significantly increase the price of Pfizer-Biontech vaccine in the United States. The price per dose is 110 to $ 130 (about S $ 157 to 185).Times.

At present, the US government has the total cost of being vaccinated by the national inoculation, and the official pays about $ 30 for each dose of Pfizer-Biontech vaccine.After the end of the public health emergency in the U.S. crown disease epidemic in 2023, the vaccination cost is expected to be responsible for private insurance companies.

Pfizer's executive Lu Jin said on a call with analysts that Pfizer is still negotiating with medical insurance companies, but it is expected that the final price will fall between 110 and 130 US dollars.

Lu Jin said: Americans are expected to have private insurance or government funding insurance, and they still need to pay for the Pfizer vaccine.

Due to the weakened demand for coronary vaccines, Wall Streets have expected that vaccine manufacturers will increase the price to reach revenue forecasts in 2023 and later.

Lu Jin said: "The pricing of Pfizer Crown Diseases in the United States will meet its overall cost and benefit, and will not become a obstacle to the patient's vaccine."

Pfizer predicts that from the perspective of one -year demand, the market size of adult coronary vaccines is similar to that of adult flu vaccines; however, according to the inoculation situation so far, the pediatric market needs longer to work.

Although more Americans are now allowed to take over the latest two -price vaccine addition agent, the rate of vaccination lags behind last year.

The first six weeks of the new two -valent vaccine were launched, about 14.8 million Americans vaccinated; the first six weeks of the first six weeks launched by the first agent vaccine added.Those with low strength are allowed to take over.

Lu Jin said that it is expected that in the first quarter of 2023, the US government will transfer vaccine procurement to the private sector.She said that Pfizer plans to distribute the vaccine through the wholesalers, and will provide a rebate outside the price as usual.