(Kiev Composite Electric) Russia launched a series of missiles and drone attacks to destroy some power plants in Ukraine and forced Ukraine to restrict national electricity for the first time on Thursday (October 20).

Ukrainian officials and Ukland National Energy Corporation (UkrenerGo) announced that electricity limit measures were implemented from 7 am to 11 pm.Presidential officers reminded that urban street lights will be limited and stated that if the public does not minimize the power consumption, intermittent power outage may occur.

Ukrainian President Zeleiski said on Wednesday evening that Russia's air strikes destroy 30 % of the Ukraine power stations in more than a week, including three energy facilities on Wednesday, one of which was attacked, one of which was Bestin City, Western Ukraine.A large coal -fired heat power plant.

Zellennki called on all Ukrainians to restrict electricity.

Harkov, such as the capital Kiev and the Northeast, has restricted the use of electric public transportation such as trackless trams and reducing subway train trips.

Kiev Mayor Keriqinke urged entrepreneurs, advertisers, shops, cafes and restaurants to "try to" restrict the screen and signs."Even the small savings and reduction of electricity consumption of each household will help stabilize the operation of the national energy system."

Northeast China, which borders Russia, stops water supply, stop electric transportation or turn on the lights all day on the 20th; private power suppliers in the Western Lavff and Chernivtsi regionThe timetable for industrial enterprises.

The EU discusses assisting Wujian Energy Equipment

Leaders of 27 EU member states discussed more assistance options to Ukraine at the EU summit on Thursday, including energy equipment, assisting in restoring electricity supply and rebuilding long -term financing in Ukraine.

In terms of battle, the Ukrainian troops are pressing against the Russian army of Uinholson, and the head of the Hermuson area appointed by Russia has begun to withdraw from the local civilians.

The Russian National Television, played a picture of people crossing the Dieber River by boat, saying that it would evacuate civilians before Hermone became the theater.

Saldo said on Wednesday that they will evacuate 50,000 or 60,000 Hulson residents from four regions on the west side of the Dieberg River in six days.Saldo said that Russia could keep Hermone and even fight against the Ukraine.

Reuters quoted witnesses that there were five drones attacking the southern port in the southern Hong Kong city on Thursday, but it was unclear.

Ukraine accuses Russia of using Iranian suicide drones to attack the targets of Ukraine.Both Iran and the Kremlin have denied that this is the case.However, the United States, Britain, and France have mentioned at the UN Security Council meeting that Iran is suspected of providing drones for Russia.

The Ukrainian military said that the Russian army advanced to Bakhmut and Avdiivka.Bachmart is the focus of Russia's offensive in the Donetsk area.