(Lavff Road Power Power) The Russian aggression war caused the Ukrainian economy to shrink 30 % in the first three quarters of this year.Back to home, Kiev hopes to re -revive the economy of refugees, tough small companies, and international economic assistance.

The outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War has been out for nearly eight months. While achieving local victory on the battlefield, Kiev is also trying to stabilize the economy and find employment opportunities for people who escape from their homes in the east and south.

The Ukrainian government is expected to shrink by more than one -third of the economy this year, but with the re -business of the enterprise, the Minister of Economic Minister Swriden expects that although the base is low, the output of Ukraine's economic output in 2023 will stabilize and increase by as much as 15 as much as 15.%.

She hopes that in the next 10 years, foreign investment and joining the European Union will promote the scale of investment to turn over a before the war, reaching 500 billion US dollars (about 716.5 billion yuan).She said: "We have two fronts, one is the military front, and the other is the economic front. The importance of economic issues is no less important than military issues."

Small enterprises are the core of Kiev's efforts.Swridenko said the Ministry of Economic Affairs has helped 700 companies move out of the front line, of which 480 have resumed operations.The return of about 3 million people has boosted consumer demand and benefited these companies.At the same time, export recovery, including three Black Sea Port, has also slowly returned to the economy.

In order to help the displaced enterprises restarting operation, the Ukrainian investment and trade promotion center in Lavff provides enterprises with off -cost office and production venues for rent -free, and is committed to helping business owners obtain resources."These companies and individuals are brave, and they have not given up everything abroad. Now, more markets are open to them."

The World Bank and the European Union estimate that the Ukrainian war losses nearly $ 100 billion (about S $ 143.3 billion), and Russia is still fighting civilian infrastructure, and Ukraine's recovery tasks are arduous.

Ukraine also faces increasingly serious budget issues. Although the Western government and private creditors agree to freeze debt repay, Ukraine still needs private capital reconstruction.The International Monetary Fund approves an additional emergency financing of US $ 1.3 billion (about S $ 1.9 billion) for Ukraine on Friday (October 7).

Swrideko said that the official is trying to find foreign investment.The Ministry of Economic Affairs is studying 50 investment applications from the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom and Poland.

The World Bank and the European Revival Development Bank, in September this year, also said that they will invest in Ukraine's technology and export -oriented enterprises.

Hengde, president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine, said that the Ukraine economy showed "amazing toughness"; among them, the Internet and banking services of Kiev during the war were better than in some parts of European regions in peacetime.

The latest survey released by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine showed that 77 % of its 600 member companies believed that the war would end next year, and as many as 98 % planned to continue its business in Ukraine.

We have two fronts, one is a military front, and the other is the economic front.The importance of economic issues is no less important than military issues.

—— Ukraine Economic Minister Swriden