Data Map

  • Beixi II pipeline burst a few hours after the burst of Beixi-tracking data nearby-tracking data
  • The U.S. Navy confirmed that it was a U.S. military aircraft
  • According to the tracking records seen by Reuters, the Beixi II Pipeline Tu -Tu -Tu -Tu -Tu -Tu Tu -Tu -Tu -Tu -Tu -Tu -Tu -Tu -Tu -Tu -Tu -Tu -Tu -Tu Du Tu -Tu -Fabian Bimmer. A few hours after the Baltic Beixi Pipeline burst was first discovered for the first time, a U.S. Navy reconnaissance aircraft was flying nearby.Called routine flight.Russia's Beixi -1 and No. 2 pipeline burst on September 26, discharged natural gas into the Baltic Sea near the Danish and Swedish coasts.Earthquakers recorded the explosion in the area, and police from several countries have launched investigations.Flight data shows that 0003 GMT, a P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft fly over the North Sea, at the same time, the Swedish seismist records exploded.They later described this as the southeast of Bornholm Island explosion in Borne.Data show that the reconnaissance aircraft took off from Iceland and performed several conventional runway -type tour over Poland and flew towards the Beixi pipeline area of the Baltic Sea.Because such aircraft sometimes used in turns recognition code type, it is impossible to determine the identity of the aircraft immediately, but when seeing the data shown by Reuters, the US Navy confirmed that this is a U.S. aircraft.A U.S. Navy spokesman said: "The US Navy P-8A Poseidon aircraft shown in the data performed a routine Baltic sea sea reconnaissance flight, which has nothing to do with the leakage of the Beixi pipeline."Whether the intelligence may help investigate the burst of pipelines, Captain Tamara Lawrence, European-African troops spokesman for the US Navy, said, "We have no more information at present."The incident, or what role has played in this regard, but President Biden said that he would eventually send divers to participate in the investigation.The Ministry of National Defense of Poland, Sweden, Denmark and Germany did not comment immediately.