(Morning News) The US Biden government announced a wide range of export control measures on Friday (October 7). One of them is to prohibit China from providing a specific semiconductor chip made of American tools anywhere in the world.It has greatly expanded the scope of Washington's attempt to slow down Beijing technology and military development.

Reuters and VOA's comprehensive reports, the new regulations are to send letters to KLA Corp, Lam Research Corp, and Applied Materials Inc to KLA Corp earlier this year.The list of restrictions listed, and some of these regulations take effect immediately.

This means that the top semiconductor equipment supplier in the United States must stop transporting equipment to a wholly -owned Chinese enterprise in China that produces advanced logical chips.

The port management and control portfolio issued by the United States on the 7th may be equivalent to the largest policy direction of the United States in exporting technology to China since the 1990s.If it is effectively implemented, the new measures will force American companies and foreign companies that use American technology to cut off their support for some of the most advanced factories and chip design companies in China, so as to make China's chip manufacturing retreat.

(Development) slow down. "

Not yet obtained the commitment of allies

Senior U.S. government officials said at a hair dryer on the 6th that many measures launched by the United States are to prevent foreign companies from selling advanced chips to China or providing Chinese companies with their own advanced chips.However, senior US officials admit that the United States has not yet obtained any guarantees to implement similar measures from the allies.

U.S. officials said that the discussion between the United States and the allies is still continuing. One of the officials said: "We know very well that if other countries do not join our actions, the unilateral control and control will eventually lose its effect."/P>

He said: "If foreign competitors are not controlled by similar control, American technical leadership will face risks."

The power to expand the export of such chips to China is based on a widening "foreign direct product rules".This rule has been expanded before, allowing the US government to have the right to implement export control and restrict the provision of chip manufactured overseas to China Telecom giant Huawei.After the Russia invaded Ukraine, the United States used this rule to prohibit input semiconductors to Russia.

Restrictions on the expansion of the Bayeng government applies to China ’s HKUST, Dahua Technology, and Dahua Technology, and MEGVII TECHNOLOGY.The United States has accused these companies assist Beijing in response to Uyghur ethnic minorities and was included in the entity list in 2019.

The new regulations released by the United States on the 7th are also prohibited from providing a wide range of chips for China's super computer system.

In accordance with the new regulations, supercomputers refer to any systems that cover an area of 6,400 square feet with a computing capacity of more than 1 million trillion times.The two industry sources said that such a definition may also crack down on certain business data centers of Chinese technology giants.

The two -party leaders expressed their appreciation of the new measures

The leaders of the United States Congress expressed their appreciation to the latest measures in China for the Ministry of Commerce.

Democratic Senate leader Shu Mo welcomed the announcement.He said that these rules will "protect our country's innovation from being plundered by China."

Schu Mo's title published on the 7th said: "These restrictions on the transfer of advanced manufacturing technology in the United States are absolutely necessary, but we need to do more to prevent the Chinese government from cheating and stealing technology leading technology dominance.Status. "

The Chief of the House of Representatives of the House of Representatives and the Republican Republican Republican Republic members McCord also issued a statement saying that the administrative officials of Biden's new regulations on China's newly promulgated regulations are the correct direction.

McCur said: "If the Ministry of Commerce Industry and Security Bureau (BIS) executes these regulations with the strictest standards, this will crack down on the core of the Chinese government's strategic goals." He also said that he expected the Ministry of Commerce Industry and Industry and the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Commerce and the Industry and Industry of the Ministry of Commerce andThe Security Bureau completely transparently explains how they approve and refuse to permit applications. "The loose license standard will destroy the goals to be achieved by these rules."