Bloomberg pointed out that Putin further forced himself to a dead end and excluded the possibility of negotiation.Macarkin, deputy director of the Political and Technology Center of the Moscow Think Tank, said: "Putin puts new conditions on the desktop ... there is almost no room for rotation."

(Paris Composite Television) The United States and European allies have always worried that Russia will win in the Russian and Ukraine War, but now they are more worried that if Russian President Putin is defeated, they will take risks at all.

The Ukrainian army recently counterattacked the victory, recovering a large loss from the Russian army, which caused the Russian army to be unexpectedly frustrated.In order to reverse the war, Putin not only announced the call for 300,000 reserve personnel, but also repeatedly used nuclear weapons when necessary.

Bloomberg pointed out that Putin further forced himself to a dead end and excluded the possibility of negotiation.Macarkin, deputy director of the Political and Technology Center of the Moscow Think Tank, said: "Putin put new conditions on the desktop ... almost there is almost no room for rotation."

A European officials compare Putin as an unswerving animal, the deeper the trap, the more dangerous it will be.

A French diplomat said that European allies could not guess Putin's thoughts, and only knew that he had eager to win military victory, but it seemed increasingly impossible to achieve it.European and American officials believe that Russia's newly called soldiers lacks motivation and training and equipment, and it is difficult to stop the U -military counterattack.

Some Russian officials want to reduce energy supply and continue to rise by reducing energy supply and the cost of aid Ukraine, Europe and the United States are determined to shake.

However, some people inside Russia admitted that the war may become a long -lasting war.If so, Putin may determine that there is no choice but to further upgrade the war and launch a large -scale attack on Ukraine power plants and other civil facilities, and even use chemical martial arts or nuclear martial arts.

Burns, director of the Central Intelligence Agency, said in an interview recently that if Putin "feels" forced to the corner, he may become "dangerous and reckless."

Former US National Security Consultant Bolton even said that Putin must step down, and now it is the time when Russia realizes regime change.However, some European officials are worried that Putin's successor will be tougher.

Belgian Researcher Burd believes that Putin is now trying to delay time, hoping that European countries will collapse before the collapse of Russia.Some analysts regard the threat of Putin's nuclear weapons as a virtual momentum, but US President Biden does not think so.

Bynden said on Thursday (October 7) that Putin's words are not jokes. The risks of the current nuclear war are no less than the Cuban missile crisis of that year.

Agence France -Presse pointed out that as Putin continued to "add", a way out of the Russian and Ukraine War was that Putin was overturned by the people's uprising or coup, but it seems that this possibility is not much.

Du Mulin, an expert from the European Foreign Relations Commission, said: "There must be tension in the Russian system, but in my opinion, it is the internal faction to fight for power and do not challenge Putin's authority."