Wang Shouwen, deputy minister of the Ministry of Commerce of China, emphasized at the Deputy Ministerial Meeting of the Sino -US Commercial Trade Group that a modern China with a huge population is an opportunity for the United States, not a threat.

The Ministry of Commerce announced on the official website, and is also Wang Shouwen, representative of the Ministry of Commerce International Trade Negotiation.The second deputy ministerial meeting of the business team.

According to the Ministry of Commerce, the two parties communicate professional, rationally, and pragmatic communication on the policy issues that their respective concern and the specific business problems raised by the industrial and commercial circles of the two countries.

The Ministry of Commerce of China continued that China focused on the US 301 tariffs on China and shipbuilding industries such as 301 investigations, generalized national security, sanctioning Chinese enterprises, two -way investment restrictions, US trade relief in China, and Chinese companies in China.The expression of beauty and unfair treatment, emphasizing the clarification of clarifying the national security border of the economic and trade field to help stabilize the expectations of enterprise cooperation, and oppose measures to implement trade investment restrictions on the excuses of overcapacity.

The Sino -US business trade team held the first deputy ministerial meeting in the United States in April this year.

The Chinese Ministry of Commerce also called on the United States to cancel all tariffs on China immediately last Thursday (5th).