The geopolitical game of the United States and China in Africa has intensified. After Beijing's high -profile announcement of unpaid military aid in Africa, the United States has reportedly formulated economic and security assistance facilities for China and African countries with important strategic positions to prevent China from in Gabon in Gabon to prevent China from being in Gabon in Gabon.Establish a military base.

China's official Thursday (September 5th) only in Beijing China Africa provided providing Africa Africa Africa Africa Africa Africa Africa Africa1 billion yuan (about S $ 184 million) For free military assistance , 6,000 military talents and 1,000 police officers are trained in Africa.Effective law enforcement officers invited 500 young officers to visit China.

Bloomberg Society quoted a person who did not have names on Friday that the supporting facilities provided by the United States for Gabon will include training for the country's special forces and provided 5 million US dollars (about S $ 6.51 million) funds for Gabon's democratic transition stage.Essence

Gabon President En Guima will visit the United States at the end of September or early October.Support.


The plan set by the United States will also include the radar that helps Gabon monitor illegal fishing, expand cooperation with the West Virginia National Guard, and assist the protection of Gabon National Park.

Report also quoted uncomfortable people who said that Campbell, Deputy Secretary of State of the United States, warned when meeting with Enguima in July that any military training facility in China may be "more lasting prelude to exist", that is, in Djibouti (Djibouti) The situation may be repeated.

Coven, deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States, said that China originally claimed that it only established logistical facilities in Djibouti, but "it transformed into a considerable naval facility, where there is a permanent existence of the Chinese Navy.Outside of territory. "

Bloomberg reported that Enguima told Campbell that Gabon would not make the same mistake.

Djibouti is located on the northeast of Africa and the west bank of the Gulf of Aden, and the Red Sea enters the Indian Ocean.The only "overseas guarantee base" in China is located in Djibouti, which was officially opened in 2017.

Compared with Gibbuti, the west coast of Gabon is facing the Atlantic Ocean, which is closer to the US territory on the other side of the Atlantic.If China set up a military base in Gabon, the threat to the United States will be greater than the base set up in Djibati, and it can provide China with a window to understand the US military trends.

Bloomberg reported that for the United States, it is a red line to establish a military base in the United States in the United States.The Voice of the United States quoted He Tianmu, a senior international defense researcher at Rand Company in March this year that once China establishes a military base in Gabon, it will threaten the East Coast of the United States.

China has strengthened military diplomacy with African countries in recent years, and competes with the United States to compete for geopolitical influence.

According to a report released by the Chinese Maritime Research Institute of the School of War of the United States in April this year, in the number of high -level military meetings in China last year, Africa is second only to Southeast Asia, ranking second.

From late July to mid -August this year, the Chinese army held a joint exercise with Tanzania and Mozambique.A spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of National Defense responded at a regular press conference at the end of May that nearly a hundred young and middle -aged officers from more than 40 African countries visited China recently, saying that this was the third similar activity of the Ministry of National Defense.

Economists also reported in May that 50 officers from African countries have participated in military education courses provided by China. Among the graduates, eight African National Defense Ministers and 10 military chiefs.

China has also increased its weapons supply to Africa in recent years.Database of the Institute of International Peace of the Think Tank show that from 2019 to 2023, at least 21 southern African countries in Sahara accepted the large -scale delivery of Chinese weapons.The African National Defense Forum reported in July this year that China has replaced Russia and became the largest weapon supply country in southern Sahara.

Li Dazhong, a professor at the Institute of International Affairs and Strategy of Taiwan Tamkang University, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that mainland China has been operating in Africa for a long time and has a deep work.Practical projected into the economy and military fields.

However, Li Dazhong pointed out that the United States has also looked at Africa seriously during the Democratic Party in recent years. Although the overall investment in the United States in Africa may not be as many as Mainland China, and forced to withdraw troops in Niger and Chad, the United States on the grounds of counter -terrorism on the grounds of counter -terrorism on terrorismIt has established military cooperation with many African countries.

"After all, the United States is the number one country in the global military power, and the operation of the garrison, allies, and agreements are more familiar. It is difficult to say who has the upper hand in the United States and China, but in the moment when the United States and China compete in the freshened, the military layout of mainland China will be more attractive.Follow.