The second game of the US Presidential Debate will be held on Tuesday (September 10), local time in the United States, which will be the first time that Donald Trump and Kamala Harris willDuel.

President debate has received widespread attention on TV, which has a great impact on the decision to vote in Americans.

It is said that Kamara Harris is an excellent debater, but Donald Trump stated in the presidential debate in 2016 and 2020 that he is a powerful opponent.

What are the time and rules of the presidential election debate?

This debate will be held in Philadelphia on September 10.Starting at 9 pm Eastern Time in the United States.This is the second presidential debate in 2024.The first debate was held between Trump and President Biden in June, and then Biden decided to withdraw from the election.

The debate will be broadcast on the US Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) and live broadcast on ABC News Live, Disney+and Hulu platforms.The debate has strict time limit.Each candidate has a maximum of two minutes to answer the host's question, and has two minutes to refute.

When the other party speaks, the candidate's microphone will be mute, and there are no audiences in the debate room.Kamara Harris previously hoped to turn on the microphone throughout the process, but recently she agreed to the above regulations.

Four years ago, Trump and Biden's first debate were affected by interruption and quarrel, and then introduced this rule.

The debate on September 10 will be hosted by two hosts David Muir and Linsey Davis. They are both hosts of Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) news programs.Essence

What is the advantage of Kamara Harris as a debater?

Since winning the prosecutor of the San Francisco area in 2003, Camara Harris has been participating in the election debate.She also participated in the debate during the successful campaign of the California Chief Prosecutor and California Senators.

In 2019, she argued with Joe Biden when she was nominated for the Democratic Party president, and confronted Mike Pence in the 2020 vice presidential debate.

She has proved that she can control the stage.In the debate with Pence in 2020, she rebuked Pence to interrupt her speech, "Mr. Vice President, I am speaking."

Camara Harris has accumulated rich debate experience in the US Senate. Prior to this, she was also a prosecutor of the California court.When refuting Donald Trump's point of view in the debate, these experiences may benefit her a lot.

However, Kamara Harris failed to run for the Democratic Presidential Candidate in 2020 and withdrew before the first vote in Aiwa. She seemed to have no consistent policy position. This was also her

In the debate on Tuesday, the host may ask several sharp issues on Kamara Harris' policy.

Camara Harris also appears unobstructed in a public speech.For example, she recently said in an interview with the United States CNN (CNN), "This is an urgent thing, and we should use time to measure, including setting the deadline to restrict herself."

In the presidential debate, the speaking time is very limited, and the campaign information must be clearly conveyed to voters.

What is Trump's debate skills?

Tuesday's debate with Trump will be the biggest challenge for Kamara Harris since his election.He has participated in the two groups of presidential debates in 2016 and 2020, and it turns out that he is a very good opponent who is very good and does not follow common sense.

In the debate with Hillary Clinton in 2016, when Hillary Clinton spoke, he walked around on the stage and stood directly behind her. She said that "her meat was trembling"" ".

In the first presidential debate in 2020, he constantly interrupted Biden's speech, causing Bayeng to scold: "Can you shut up, brother?"

These strategies disturbed his opponent and made him always the focus of attention.However, Trump often deviates from the theme in the debate and has made an assertion that was proven by factual inspectors.

Which candidate is leading in polls?

Bynden announced the withdrawal from the presidential election in July, and the polls of voters in the country and several swing states lagged behind Donald Trump.

RealclearPolitics, the politics and polls, has compiled the average value of national polls, saying that Kamara Harris has led three percentage points in polls since the election.The agency said that as of September 3, she led 1.9 percentage points in Trump nationwide.

However, Hillary Clinton led 5 percentage points in the national polls in the same period in the same period in 2016, but eventually lost to Trump.

The polls in each state are considered more important than national polls.This is because the election results of each state determine the votes obtained by the candidate in the election group, and the election group determines who can become the president.

A few swing states such as Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina and Pennsylvania are vital to win candidates.In all these states, the competition is very fierce.

In early September, the "Real and Clear Politics" website said that Kamara Harris successfully surpassed Trump in the polls of Michigan and Georgia, and became a tie with Trump in Pennsylvania, but in ArizonaAnd North Carolina is still backward.

Political analysts agree that the results of the election will be evenly matched.

Candidates need 270 election group votes to win the presidential election.

The current polls show that the Democratic Party ensures that 226 election group votes are obtained, and the Republican Party ensures that 219 pieces are obtained, and the remaining 93 may have two results.