The director of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Wang Yi, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang YiheWhen the US Climate Special Envoy met, the climate change dialogue cooperation was an integral part of Sino -US relations. It is hoped that the United States will maintain policy stability and effectively respect China's reasonable concerns.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Wang Yi should meet with Podista, a senior consultant to the US President's International Climate Policy on Friday (September 6).

Wang Yi said that this year is the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States. The important revelation of 45 years of wind and rain is that China and the United States should be partners, not to be opponents; they should achieve each other, not vicious competition;It should be talked about countless, not different words and deeds.

Wang Yi said that the response to the advantages of qi is in contemporary contemporary and benefiting the long -term.China has unswervingly follow the road of green, low -carbon, and sustainable development.He emphasized that China's policies will be implemented, and the goals established will be achieved."Qi -changing dialogue cooperation is not only part of Sino -US relations, but also an important measure to implement the consensus consensus of the heads of state of the two countries."

Wang Yi said that since this year, the Qi -changing team of both China and the United States has communicated closely and reached a reaching achievement.A series of pragmatic cooperation results.It is hoped that the United States will maintain policy stability, effectively respect China's reasonable concerns, avoid protectionism and general security, and work together with China to deal with global challenges.

Comprehensive Reuters and Bloomberg reported that Podista said that in a series of talks led by the special envoy of China Climate issue, the two sides conducted a "excellent discussion."

Podista admits that there are still "some differences" in the methods of responding to climate change in the United States and China, but face -to -face discussions can help both parties gain some consensus on some issues, including wealthy countries.How to provide development countries with funds to accelerate green transformation.

He said: "Although there are some frictions in bilateral relations, we can find the field of collaboration to benefit the people of the two countries and our climate."

Podsta saidOfficials from the two countries have made their respective progress in the 2030 climate plan (that is, the country's independent contribution).He said that they also discussed the new goal of ambition to set up in 2035, which will be submitted to the United Nations early next year.

The two countries also plan to hold a summit on greenhouse gas emissions with relatively low attention, such as methane, nitrogen dioxide and chloride hydrocarbons.Podista said that although the outside world's attention to these greenhouse gas emissions is not as good as carbon dioxide, they are also half the cause of global warming.

Bloomberg said that this may be the two world's largest discharge countries in the world before the November US election and climate change conference, and the last time a face -to -face talks were held on climate issues.

The 29th UN Climate Change Conference (COP29) will be held in Azerbaijan in November. The US presidential election held in the same month will also determine the climate policy of the next government in the United States.