A number of US Republican members urged the Bayeng government to resolve the hidden safety hazards of Chinese agricultural drones to US national security.

According to Reuters, 12 US members of the United States sent a letter on Friday (September 6) to send a letter to the Ministry of Agriculture and the Security Bureau of Cyber ​​Security and Infrastructure, and required these two administrative officials to be in detail before September 30, detailed in detail, detailed in detail.Explain how they will respond to the hidden safety hazards brought by the Chinese gas -making drone to the United States.

The signatures of the joint letter include: the members of the Council, Elise Stefanik, Ashley Hinson, and the Chairman of the Strategic Competition of the United States and the Chinese government JohnMoolenaar and others.

The letter said that there are hidden safety hazards produced by a large number of drones produced by Chinese drone manufacturers DJI."Relying on our greatest strategic opponent to obtain technology that is vital to our agricultural production success, it will endanger the elasticity of our food supply."

Letter that the DJI agricultural drone uses an advanced sensor,Can be collected and analyzed "people's eyes cannot be seen".These members believe that China can use these sensors to "get detailed information on the stability and status of the American agricultural sector."

Stanik Nick called on the US Department of Agriculture and cyber security agencies to "take action immediately to reduce the risks of drones made in China to our agriculture" and propose that legislation banned the DJI drones from being in the DJI drones.Operating in the United States.

Regarding the allegations above, DJI responded in an email statement that the company has nothing to do with the Chinese military. "There is no basis for our agricultural drone technology.Enjoy the huge benefits brought by the DJI spray drone, which makes them dangerous. "

The Chinese Embassy in Washington responded that China has firmly supported Chinese enterprises to carry out international trade and cooperation in the field of civil drones, and oppose some countries on the grounds of so -called national security.Illegal sanctions.

In December 2020, the US government implemented export restrictions on DJI, and the Ministry of Commerce was allowed to export American technology to DJI.

The US members said in the letter that DJI accounted for more than 50%of the purchasing volume of all UAVs in the United States.