Global NetworkReporter reporter Chen Yitong] "Weapons, weapons, weapons." According to media reports such as the "Political News Network" European version, Ukraine Real Daily, this is one of the primary tasks of Ukraine's new foreign minister Sibiga.

Ukraine's new foreign minister Sibia information picture source: foreign media

According to Xinhua News Agency, on September 5, local time, Ukraine's highest Lada (parliament) voted voting and appointed Andre Sibiga as the new foreign minister.According to reports, Sibiga is 49 years old. He was once the Urban Ambassador to Turkey and Deputy Director of the Presidential Office of Ukraine. He was appointed as the first deputy minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in April this year.

The European version of "Political News Network" said that Sibiga did not waste time after taking office, and immediately clarified his primary task.

"The primary task of Ukrainian diplomacy -from the ambassador to the embassy commissioner -to ensure Ukraine's defense capabilities. Weapons, weapons, and weapons.Long text wrote.He also added that the priority was to cancel the supply of Western weapons and its owners who used these weapons in Russia.

The European version of "Political News Network" mentioned that Sibiga also said that joining the European Union and NATO is another primary task of the Ukrainian government.According to the Ukrainian Kiev independent report, Sibiga was one of the first officials who announced the signing of Ukraine to join the EU application. It is reported that the time announced at the time was four days after the outbreak of the Russian -Ukraine conflict.

The European version of "Political News Network" reported that Sibica also hinted that the need to thoroughly reform Ukrainian diplomatic institutions in order to "adapt to new geopolitical reality.""Some people will change, including new ambassadors and consuls." Sibiga said.

According to the Ukrainian Truth, Sibiga said that Ukraine's foreign policy strategy will be revised according to the status of the (Russia-Ukuro) conflict, but he does not provide specific details.In addition, he also mentioned other tasks such as the development of diplomacy and economic development, allowing professionals and enterprises to participate in the formulation of foreign policies, and cooperation with overseas Ukraine.