Georgia Tech announced on Friday (September 6) that it will terminate the research and educational cooperative relationship with Tianjin and Shenzhen in China.Earlier, the school was accused of cooperating with the Chinese military -related physical cooperation, and the US Congress also investigated this.

According to Reuters, the China House of Representatives China Issues Special Committee sent a letter to Georgia Institute of Technology in May this year to ask the school's research details of the technology of cutting -edge semiconductor technology.

Tianjin University and its affiliated agencies have been accused of engaging in acts that endanger the Guoan of the United States, including stealing business secrets and researching cooperation with China to promote China's military development. ThereforeThe export limit list of the ministry.

Abbigail Tumpey, a spokesman for Georgia Institute of Technology, said that since Tianjin University has been included in the entity list, the college has been evaluating the school's activity in China.

Tang Pei said: "Tianjin University has enough time to correct this situation. So far, Tianjin University is still on the physical list, which makes Georgia Institute of Technology and Tianjin University, as well as Shenzhen, with Georgia Institute of Technology ShenzhenThe college's cooperation is no longer feasible.Georgia Institute of Technology said in an attached statement that it will stop activities at Shenzhen Academy, but about 300 students currently studying there can continue their studies.

In January of this year, the Georgia Institute of Technology announced that the school's researchers at Atlanta and Tianjin International Nano -particle and Nano System Center have used nano -material graphene to create the world's first functional semiconductor.The center said that this will bring "paradigm transformation" to electronic technology and generate faster calculation speed.

The China Issue Special Committee said in May this year that the Tianjin Research Center is affiliated with a Chinese company, which is supplied by the company's subsidiaries.

A scientist at the Georgia Institute of Technology of the Tianjin Project of the Tianjin Project defended the research, saying that all the results were open, and this cooperation had passed a wide range of legal review.

Chairman of the House of Representatives Education and Labor Committee, and Republican Republican member Virginia Foxx believes: "It should not be promoted to the Georgia Institute of Technology to terminate the cooperation with a blacklisted Chinese entity with a blacklisted Chinese entity."

Fox continued:" Despite this, we are glad to make the right decision at Georgia Institute of Technology, we hope other universities can follow. "