Liu Zhenmin, a special envoy of China's climate change affairs, said that China and the United States have extensive common interests in dealing with climate change, and hope that both parties can carry out exchanges and cooperation.

According to the WeChat public account of the "National Development and Reform Commission", with the guidance and support of the Circle Economy Group of the China -US Climate Operation Work Group, the China Circular Economic Association and the National Committee of the United States and China TradeOn the day), the first Sino -US Circular Economic Cooperation Forum was held in Beijing.

Sources said that the forum aims to implement a state of sunshine in China and the United States on strengthening cooperation in climate crisis, and build a circular economic exchange and cooperation platform for the industrial and commercial community, social organizations, and research institutions of the two countries.

The forum held four parallel closed -door meetings on Friday afternoon. The participants participated in the cycle economy to help greenhouse gas reduction, renewable materials promotion and application, plastic pollution control and cycle utilization, new business format and new consumption model improved abandonment.In -depth exchanges of issues such as recycling of material cycle.

Zhao Chenxin, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission of China, said at the opening ceremony that response to climate change is a common cause of all human beings, and it is inseparable from the cooperation between the two major powers of China and the United States.Holding forums is an important measure to implement the state of sunshine, which is of great significance to deal with the climate crisis in China and the United States.

He said that he hoped that the government departments, enterprises, research institutions, think tanks, and other government departments, enterprises, research institutions, and think tanks in China and the United States were hoping that they strengthened policy dialogue, deepen technical exchanges, and strengthen pragmatic cooperation around the circular economy.

Liu Zhenmin said that China and the United States have extensive common interests in dealing with climate change and promoting global sustainable development. They hope that the two parties will give full play to their respective advantages and conduct exchanges and cooperation.

The American Climate Special Envoy Podista said that the circular economy is an area where the United States and China are concerned about. It is hoped that the representatives of the two parties can communicate experience through the forum, discover business opportunities, and strengthen cooperation.

Podista is currently visiting Beijing, and he meets with Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi on Friday.

波德斯塔在会面中说,美中两国在应对气候变化的方法方面仍存在“一些分歧”,但面对面的讨论得以帮助双方在一些问题上取得些许共识,包括How the wealthy countries should provide capital to developing countries to accelerate green transformation.

He said: "Although there are some frictions in bilateral relations, we can find the field of collaboration to benefit the people of the two countries and our climate."