On Thursday, Hunter Biden pleaded guilty to the nine federal tax charges in Los Angeles. Earlier, he told him the legal team that after the painful gun involved in Tellahua three months ago, heHe didn't want his family to suffer a round of pain and humiliation.

This dramatic progress marks this five -year -old and controversial survey in the final stage.The survey was concerned that Biden used his surname to obtain a large profit overseas consultation contract, and did not pay taxes, providing funds for his unprepared drug addiction and alcoholism.

This is a unilateral decision that the defense lawyer believes that they cannot win during the trial, and it does not belong to a reconciliation agreement involving a sentence minor.

Biden, 54, was sitting on the defendant. When the judge Mark Scarci listed each allegations, Biden repeated nine "confession" with a low and rapid voice.

Before the sentencing hearing in mid -December, he will continue to maintain a bail state.

Last year, the lawyer was still fighting for President Biden's son to reach a confession agreement that he did not need to be imprisoned, but now his confession makes him face a result that seems unimaginable in the past: spent a long time in prison for a long time in prisonYears.He is now facing a maximum imprisonment or a $ 1.3 million fine.In addition, in June this year, Biden was convicted for lying for a gun in Tellawa, and may be sentenced to 25 years in prison.

At least now, he did not expect to obtain administrative probation from his father.When Hunter Biden's team appeared in court, and listening to each word in the 56 pages of criminal prosecution was read to Biden, the White House spokesman was asked on the Air Force No. 1 whether the president intends to pardon his sonHer answer was, "Basically," not '. "

"When I was tried in Tellawa, I didn't realize how much pain it would bring to my family, and I would not let them go through again," Bayeng said in the statement.In his statement, he accused the prosecutor of "not treating him properly."

"I only have one way to go," he also said."I won't let my family suffer more pain, more privacy violations and unnecessary humiliation. Although I have experienced so much in these years, I can not let them bear these, so I decided to plead guilty."

A few hours before Biden pleaded guilty, his lawyer proposed a confession agreement with more conditions, the so -called Alverd's crime.In this agreement, Biden acknowledged sufficient evidence to prove that he was guilty, although he claimed that he was not guilty of the same allegations.But the agreement failed to reach.

Prosecutors said that if Biden did not accept unconditional plea, they would oppose any confession agreement, and Biden's team immediately made this strategic change.Judge Skalsey had previously stated that he tended to continue the case and began to ask 120 potential jurors.

But the actual situation is not the case.

"Enough, it's enough," one of Bayon's lawyer Abbe Royal said around 3 pm."It's time to look forward."

Bayeng and his supporters believe that the special prosecutor of the case David Wity refused to negotiate with the defense sincerity for political self -protection.Wes was severely criticized for signing a large agreement with Biden in early 2023, which had originally allowed Biden to avoid the prison disaster.

In July of that year, the agreement broke down at a chaotic hearing at the Federal Court of Wilmington, Tellawa.Wes then sued Biden, accusing him of lying on a gun application in Trav, and violated a series of tax regulations in California he lived in California.

On Thursday, in the sunny Los Angeles, the atmosphere in the court was tense, noisy, and chaotic.

Lio Huais is a tough deputy who was sent to the Wes team after the negotiation was broken. He said that when the Bayeon team interrupted the first day of the jury selection procedure and proposed to end in accordance with their conditions, they ended their conditions.He was shocked during the trial.When Lowal said that under the influence of external political pressure and prosecution against his parties, he felt insulted.

"Tell him as the victim of this process, this is insulting us," Wyis said."We didn't ask for a pound of meat or a drop of blood. We gave him the same right as any American."

However, the national significance of this legal drama has no longer existed.Biden's trial due to tax charges from the moment President Biden withdrawn from the 2024 presidential campaign in July this year, it became a political surplus.

Republicans of the House of Representatives once regarded Biden's legal issues as a political asset.They spared no effort to prove that their sons and father planned to create a "Biden Criminal Family", but they never achieved any results. The prosecutor also made it clear that they did not find that President Biden had evidence of any official illegal behavior during his vice presidential period.Essence

But for his son, this is a big deal -he is the first offender. After acknowledging the evading tax assessment, not reporting and tax taxation, and submitting false or fraud taxation declaration forms, he is likely to be sentenced to the lightestPunishment is probation instead of imprisonment.

In this process, Biden's legal team argued that he had been detoxifying for five years, paid all tax arrears and fines, and expressed confession to his family and colleagues on his drug abuse behavior.

Those who are closely related to Biden said that Biden has been seeking to get rid of tax trials for a few weeks, hoping to avoid repeating the gun involved in the week.His brother's widow.

Wais once said that he intends to summon many of the same witnesses in the trial of Los Angeles -it is said that Biden was particularly worried that his daughter Niomi and Messi might be summoned.

This in turn has given prosecutors a great bargaining chip, which makes them have no motivation to issue any return of confession.

In June of this year, in the city of Bayeng's father and son's hometown, he was full of relatives and friends, including the first lady Gil Biden.On Thursday, in Los Angeles, only Hunter Biden's wife, Mei Lisa Cohen Biden, and his friend and sponsor Kevin Morris present.

"Do you agree that you have committed all the requirements of all crimes?" At the end of the trial on the first and last day, Judge Skalsi asked.At this time, Biden's wife was in the first row of the audience.

"Yes," Biden said.

A few minutes later, the couple joined hands to the SUV waiting there, waiting for a question from the reporter and bystanders.