(Vladivostak Comprehensive Electric) Anwar, Malaysia, emphasized that although China requires Malaysia to stop exploration in the Sarawak waters, Malaysia will continue to conduct oil and gas exploration in its territorial sea.

Anwar on Thursday (September 5), after participating in the Ninth Oriental Economic Forum in Vladivostok, Russia, told Malaysia Media that Malaysia was exploration of oil and gas in its own territorial sea.China holds hostility.

"Of course we must carry out activities in our waters, obtain economic benefits in our territory, including petroleum drilling."

He also said: "We never deny the possibility of discussing (with China), but this does not mean that we must stop assignments in my country's waters."

Anhua believes that Malaysia and China can resolve disputes through negotiation like friends.

On the other hand, the Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on Wednesday to express solemn concerns about the official communication documents of Malaysia and China, and showed that the official is investigating the incident.

The Philippine media reported on Wednesday (August 29) that the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a diplomatic meeting to the Malaysian Embassy in China on February 18 this year, stating that Malaysia's oil and gas exploration activities in the South China Sea violated Chinese territory.

Anwar said that China issued a "one or two" protests, asking Malaysia to stop oil and gas exploration activities.Anhua did not explain the specific details, but emphasized that the Malaysian government will continue to explain its position to the Chinese government.

"We said, we will not cross the border of others. This is our strict policies and principles."

The statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia emphasized that Malaysia will continue to defend the sovereignty and rights in the South China Sea, deal with disputes peacefully, and contact all relevant countries including China.