If the US Republican presidential candidate Trump won the election in the coming election, his second term may bring greater uncertainty, instability and unpredictable, or to Sino -US relations and even the world.Order has a more destructive impact.

Chen Dongxiao, Dean of the Shanghai International Institute, on Thursday (September 5th) at the Outstanding Lecture of the Outstanding Scholars of the Nanyang University of Technology's Rasjele South International Research Institute (RSIS), "Can China deal with Trump 2.0?"The above evaluation was made when a speech was delivered.

Chen Dongxiao is also a professor of international relations with RSIS Yi'an.He studied in more than 40 minutes of English speeches. If Trump was elected again, he was expected to continue to promote the "US priority" policy to make the "United States great again" and strengthen the promotion of economic nationalism and populist policies for internal vision and right.

Chen Dongxiao predicts that the four priority goals of Trump's second term will be to stimulate US economic growth and promote the return of manufacturing; reduce the United States' responsibility to the world; strengthen the strategic competition between major powers and China, and solve immigration problems.

As for the policy of China, Chen Dongxiao pointed out that Trump's team regards China as the biggest threat to the United States in the 21st century, and said that China rather than the United States' initiative to initiate comprehensive competition in the fields of security, economy, and ideology.

Chen Dongxiao also said that because the Republican Party is likely to have the leadership of the White House, the two courts of the parliament, and the Supreme Court, and Trump himself no longer has the pressure of reelection, he will have more space to fully fully use the "whole government" method.It has mobilized various federal institutions through administrative and legislative channels to advance the Chinese policy of confrontation.

Chen Dongxiao's judgment therefore judged that compared with the Democratic Party's Harris elected, Trump may bring greater uncertainty, instability, and unpredictable.Bring greater impact.

In the field of economy and trade, Trump will say that if he is elected, it will be from the election and will be from the election.China imported products with more than 60%of tariffs .His team also advocated that through further relaxation of control, tax reduction, and even depreciation of the US dollar, it attracted more manufacturing companies that invested in China to withdraw from China.

As for the field of technology, Trump may increase its strategic decoupling efforts, not only to implement stricter restrictions on Chinese high -tech enterprises in the United States, but also introduce more strict export control, and adopt stricter to Chinese private enterprises into the US capital market to enter the US capital market.Measures.Some of his eagle consultants have also proposed to restart the "China Initiative" to prevent the exchanges between scientific and technological experts between the two countries.

The field of military security may also be hit.Chen Dongxiao expects Trump will promote the reform of the military, restore the long -term shipbuilding plan of the Navy, and strengthen the capacity of space capabilities to maintain the absolute advantage of the United States in military strength.As for the Taiwan issue, Beijing noticed that Trump's consultant advocated a more radical policy for the Taiwan Strait, including inviting Taiwan to participate in the Pacific Military exercise.

Finally, China and the United States may intensify in ideological confrontation, including Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Tibet and other issues.Some of his consultants also proposed to restart the survey of crown disease traceability, arguing that the United States should continue to ask China's compensation for the losses caused to the United States.

"If all the above -mentioned policies are implemented in the short term, there will be a huge multiple impact on China's interests."

Chen Dongxiao said that how China respond to the "million yuan problem" that is difficult to answer, which will test Beijing's wisdom.

He predicts that Beijing will visit the CPPCC ’s members of the CPPCC’ s annual conference on March 6 last year, “calm and calm, keep their strength, seek progress, actively act, and unite."Dare to fight" to deal with various challenges from the United States and even at home and abroad.

Domestic aspects, Chen Dongxiao expects Beijing to continue to deepen reforms and continue to enhance their national strength through comprehensive deepening reforms.

At the bilateral level, China will strengthen the construction of policy tool boxes to alleviate external shocks, and continue to maintain direct communication with the United States in diplomacy, economy, and military, while continuing to promote the exchange of people and cultural exchanges.

As Trump's re -entry of the White House will also impact the world order, China will also respond more with other affected partners at the multilateral level.

Chen Dongxiao concluded: "Facing the intensification of the US strategic competition in the United States, China should maintain its strategic determination, adhere to its priority tasks, firmly realize its strategic goal of development, avoid traps of falling into zero and competition, avoid and and and.New Cold War Fight in the United States "

In the face of Trump's trading thinking and unpredictable, and the relatively stable Harris, who comes to power is better to China?Chen Dongxiao responded in the question and answer session: "My personal interpretation is that Beijing is more inclined to stable and predictable, not the so -called transactionality."