The U.S. presidential election entered the last eight weeks of decisive battle. The current vice president Harris finally accepted her first television interview since she was put into the election campaign last week. All parties evaluated her performance as: security pass.

From the perspective of the latest polls, Harris, who is in danger, has maintained its momentum. The support of the whole United States and key swing states has slightly ahead of Trump, but the lead is still within the scope of error.If you consider the past two elections, Trump has many hidden supporters and cannot reflect in polls, which means that Trump's chances cannot be underestimated.

Faced with such a election, international commentators and political and business leaders did not dare to rashly predict, because the risk of "wrong injection" was too great.However, China, as a major interest -related person in the United States, has some attention in this subtle time.

When the Bayeng government was in a guardian state, the US National Security Consultant Sarawon last week (August 27th to 29th) made people visit China unexpectedly.Bilateral talks for about 14 hours.

This is the first visit to China in the past four years, or it may be his last time as a national security consultant. In the journey called "graduation travel" or "farewell journey", Shalvin has been highly specified.Not only did you see Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi Talk with Zhang Youxia, vice chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission.

This is the first time that the CPC Military Commission has met with the United States representative for the first time in the past eight years. The location was arranged at the headquarters of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. The two sides also reached an agreement to restart the video calls of the leadership of the two armies in a timely manner.It can be said that whether it is form or substance, Shalvin has successfully completed the task.

According to the introduction of the White House's statement and Shalvan at the press conference, he discussed a series of topics of Sino -US relations and international situations with senior China, including anti -drug cooperation between the two countries, the conflict of Gaza, and the "unfair trade behavior" of China., China ’s support for Russia, American citizens are detained in China, human rights, Taiwan Straits, South China Sea, etc.

When answering questions, Shalvin also confirmed that he knew what Harris would adopt China in the future.Salavin said that Harris is the core and leading member of the Bayeng government diplomatic team. She and Chinese official and Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang both know each other; Harris also agrees with Biden's point of view, that is, China and the United States to avoid the sliding of competition.For this reason, the two sides must have smooth high -level communication channels.

To put it bluntly, Shalvin's meaning to the Chinese side means that if Harris came to power, he would "worship the rules" for the Chinese policy.Some analysis and interpretation is that this is the "Xinxin Pill" of the Salavin, so that the Chinese side should not worry.

What about China's response?Although China has repeatedly emphasized that the Bayeng government must "correct" the wrong strategic awareness of China, and in May this year, Wang Yi was still accusing the United States of "wrong".Last week, Chinese official talks with Shalin also reiterated that China and the United States dealt with "the first is to establish the correct strategic cognition", and to answer the question of whether they are opponents or partners.However, if you look closely at words, China's official tone has been relieved a lot.

There is a small detail worth noting during the talks of Xi Sha: green plants are arranged on the spot, but they are not blooming.In contrast, when the US Secretary of State Brills visited China in April this year, the flowers in front of the table were colorful "leaf wood" -the China criticized the United States without faith in a silent way.

Now that China ’s courtesy of Shalvin does not mean that China has recognized the Bayeng government’ s policy to China in the past four years, but it can be inferred that China is showing that it has cherished the ups and downs of four years, and in Biden ’s term of office.The state of Sino -US relations that are not easy to stabilize is near.In fact, the metaphor of the above signs is to reveal that among the two presidential candidates in the United States, China is more preferred to the Democratic Party.

The above position is not difficult to understand.Regardless of Trump or Harris, the competition between China and the United States will not change, which is already conclusive.However, compared to Harris, Trump's ideological color is weak, and the international right and non -entitled commercial transactions may also bring opportunities to China, but Trump 2.0 contains huge variables, but it can be greatly bad for China's overall impact.Today, the Chinese economy faces severe challenges, and the expected external environment is particularly important.

It is important to emphasize that there is a biasedness that is not equal to "Baobao" Harris.After all, no matter who is biased, the result of China's election of the United States is both powerless nor force. During the visit to China, it also understands that no country may interfere with the US elections.Conversely, China ’s friendly reception for Shalin is a bit like a farewell formula to the opponent at the end of a fierce battle.This also shows that Chinese leaders and the Biden government are essentially not even to each other. If there are four years, these two major powers may have the opportunity to continue the stable situation of bilateral relations, and eventually run into a peaceful coexistence.However, they may not be four years.

At the time of receiving high -level Democratic Party, China is obviously preparing for the transfer of US regimes.According to the Financial Times, China tried to establish a contact with the Trump team by sending the former ambassador to the United States, Cui Tiankai, etc., and returned.This highlights the indifference of the Trump team for China. Around Trump, some people have continued to say that the United States must compete with China in fierce competition.

Looking forward to Harris and preparing for Trump's stormy waves, it should be China's attitude towards the US election.In fact, it is not only China?All foreign countries should not interfere with the US internal affairs, but they are unavoidable to be affected by the election results. They have to tighten their nerves and prepare for Trump 2.0.