According to Agence France -Presse reported on January 24, as a U.S. warships enter the European allies through the United States through the United States, NATO has started the largest military exercise since the Cold War on the 24th.

The Western Military Alliance said that about 90,000 officers and soldiers will participate in the "firm defenders 2024" exercise for several months to detect its defense against the Russian and Ukraine.

Christopher Kavali, chief of NATO European Allied Commander, said: "The Alliance will show its ability to move the army from North America to reinforce European-Atlantic."

"'firm defender 2024' will clearly show our unity, strength and determination that we guard each other, our values ​​and international order based on rules."

The design of the exercise is to simulate the attack launched by this 31 -National Alliance against opponents such as Russia.

It will consist of a series of smaller independent exercises, and the scope of exercise will extend from North America to the East Wing of NATO, close to the Russian border.

About 50 naval ships, 80 planes and 1,100 chariot will participate in the exercise.

This is the largest exercise since the "Battle Recredker" exercise during the Cold War in 1988.After the conflict between Russia and Ukraine in 2022, NATO has fully inspected his defense.(Compilation/Yang Xinpeng)