(London Comprehensive News) The British media quoted U.S. officials that in the past three months, the United States has repeatedly demanded that China has urged Tehran to curb the Hascean armed acting of merchant ships in the Red Sea region, but Beijing "has almost no" no no noAny signs of help ".

The Financial Times quoted sources as saying that the US White House national security adviser Sha Liven and Deputy National Security Consultant, Jon Finer, discussed the above issues when they met with Liu Jianchao, the Minister of Foreign Liaison of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in Washington this month, and pleaseChina conveyed warnings to Iran, do not intensify the tension in the Middle East.In addition, U.S. Secretary of State Brosky also raised this question to Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

U.S. officials believe that Beijing has almost no evidence except for a gentle statement last week, showing that China has put any pressure on Iran and requires it to restrict Hassy forces.

Sources also said that the United States will continue to ask Chinese officials to ask Chinese officials to attack the Iranian and Hussean armed attacks of vessels, but it is "not optimistic" in changes in China's attitude.

After the interruption of the Red Sea route, the cost of commodity transportation exported to Europe has increased significantly.China has expressed concern and anxiety about the intense upgrade of the Red Sea, but has not expressed its action.

Call for It is hoped that the relevant parties will restore and ensure the safety of the red seawater channel from the security and stability of the region and the overall interests of the international community, and jointly maintain the unblocked chain of global supply chains and the normal order of international trade.