Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng met with Gu Puta, director of the White House National Anti -Drug Policy Office.

According to the official website of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, Xie Feng met with Gubu Tower on Monday (January 22) on Monday (January 22) local time.

Xie Feng said that the San Francisco meeting between the heads of state of China and the United States agreed to establish the Sino -US anti -drug cooperation team to carry out anti -drug cooperation.The two sides should take the important consensus of the two heads of state as the lead, respect each other, eliminate interference, adhere to the rule of law and professionalism, promote cooperation in various fields of anti -drugs, carry out practical law enforcement cooperation, and help stable, healthy, and sustainable development in Sino -US relations.

Gubuta said that it will conscientiously implement the consensus consensus of the heads of state of the two countries, strengthen dialogue communication, and promote cooperation in the fields of anti -drugs.

The problem of drugs of drugs is one of the factors that affect Sino -US relations.After the meeting at the end of November last November last year, the United States announced the dismissal of sanctions on the Professional Evidence Appraisal Center of the Chinese Ministry of Public Security to promote the combination of the two countries to combat the production and sales of Fenti.