Graham Allison, former president of the Harvard Kennedy Government College, said

Said that the Xi -worship meeting held in San Francisco last November reflected that the US President Biden and the Chinese officials in the world were clear.The two most important countries will fundamentally become a Fundamentally Rival Horses, but it is still necessary to find a way to cooperate with each other.

Elison on Friday (January 19) when attending the World Economic Forum (WeF) at Davos, Switzerland, it is clear that there are some differences in Sino -US relations, but Bayeng and Chinese officials will not let misunderstandings drag them to them.I would like to see the point.As they said after the talks, if there were any problems, one of them could pick up the phone directly.

Elison said that although the Xie Mobiliated meeting was not clearly said, after that, some specific matters such as the Taiwan election, the situation of the South China Sea, the Dialogue of the Chinese and American military, and the supply chain and other issues were obtained.Specific progress.

After the worship meeting, Sino -US senior officials conducted densely dialogue in the field of defense, security and economic.The national defense officials of the two countries held for the first face-to-face talks in January this year.

On the eve of the Taiwan election, the Minister of the CPC Central Committee Visit the United States and meet with US Secretary of State Brillings, Call for China and the United States.

After the results of the Taiwan election were released on January 13, Biden's speech that night emphasized that the United States does not support Taiwan's independence.However, the US State Department issued a press release on the same day to congratulate Lai Qingde's victory and was criticized by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs that "seriously violated political commitments to Taiwan's non -official relations" and proposed a serious negotiation.

Erison, who had proposed "Xiu Xidde's Trap" and concerned that China and the United States would fall into the danger of war, said that he was optimistic about 2024, and the possibility of war in China and the United States would not have military in the Taiwan Strait.The possibility of conflict is 99%.But he believes that the situation will be more complicated after that.

Former International Monetary Fund (IMF) who attended the same forum (IMF) Plazal, the former director of the Chinese Ministry and professor of economics at Cornell University, believes that although China and the United States cannot convert to positive development in geopolitical relations, due toEconomic relations have been paid enough attention, so that the relationship between the two countries is balanced as a whole.

Plastel pointed out that American companies and financial institutions regard China as a very important market and are eager to maintain a positive relationship; but now the situation has changed, they expect China's promise to open markets, allow them to allow them to compete in a free and fair way, andNo implementation.

Plazard said, "This is a fundamental change." Not only did China not fulfill their promises, but also created a more hostile business environment for companies trying to enter the Chinese market.Essence

Former Indonesian Treasury Secretary Chaidbu made a voice on the same occasion.He said, "We have not selected the luxury between China and the United States." Asia Jia'an understands some sensitive issues in the region, including the expansion of the South China Sea and China policy, but it may produce some meaning in any side of China and the United States.And Washington seems to be more difficult to understand this.