US Finance Minister Yellen said that China's strong investment in specific industries may have risks to other countries, that is, some investment in China may cause excess supply.

According to Bloomberg News on Tuesday (November 14), Yellen and the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization of Finance Ministers met at the press conference on Monday (13th) that she and Chinese Deputy Prime Minister He Lifeng discussed discussedExcess supply.

Yellen said, "We have discussed the excess supply in the industry where China has invested in and may occur in the future."

She said, "I think this isA risk, and believes that China understands her concerns, that is, some investment may lead to excess production capacity.

Yellen added that she discussed the slowdown of China's economic growth and the Minister of Organization of the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and agreed that this "economic outlook constitutes a downward risk", especially forBeijing has a close APEC country.

The statement issued by China and the United States after the meeting with He Lifeng and Yellen stated that China and the United States are committed to creating a fair competitive environment for enterprises and workers in their respective countries.