(Beijing Reuters) The severe conflict between the Burmese army and the local armed organizations of the Laun State ethnic minorities has continued for more than a week. China has called on Myanmar to cooperate with China to maintain border stability.

Auxiliary Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nong Rong, visited Myanmar last Friday to Sunday (November 3rd to 5th). During the visit, it was required that the Myanmar party would cooperate with China to maintain the stability of the Chinese and Myanmar border and effectively protect the personal and property security of the Chinese border people and property.Take effective measures to strengthen China's security in Myanmar, institutions and projects. "

The official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China issued a statement saying that the Burmese expressed his willingness to "effectively maintain the safety of Chinese -funded enterprises and personnel in Myanmar and maintain the stability and order of the border between Burmese and China."

The Myanmar Military Government is facing the biggest military challenge since the section of 2021.The "Three Brothers Alliance Organizations", which was formed by the Dang National People's Liberation Army, Ruokai Army, and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance forces, launched an attack on October 27.They claimed that they had won hundreds of strongholds and several towns, and controlled important business channels from Myanmar to China.

According to the "Asia Times" of the electronic media, the shells fired by the Burmese Army on Saturday (4th) crossed the target of Laiza (LAIZA), hit the Chinese side, causing Chinese citizens to kill several injuries.La Our Town is the base of the Kachin Independence Army. The Burmese Army accused the Kachin Independence Army and the three brothers alliance organizations to attack the Burmese army.

Myanmar ’s minority local armed groups fought fiercely with the Burmese army in northern Myanmar.The picture shows the missile launched from northern Myanmar military base on October 28.(Agence France -Presse)

Nongrong emphasized that China, as a friendly neighborhood in Myanmar, "sincerely hope that Myanmar will resume stability and development as soon as possible, support all parties in Myanmar under the constitution and legal framework, and achieve reconciliation through dialogue."

In addition to the popularity of the northern Myanmar conflict, 162 other Thai people are trapped in Myanmar, and Thailand officially formulates to arrange these people back to China.