Being able to serve the country is my great blessing hell; hellip;

On the 5th local time, Singapore Prime Minister Li Xianlong announced at the People's Action Party Conference that before the next national election, he would pay the stick to the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance Huang Xuncai.The next election in Singapore was held in November 2025.

According to the Singapore Lianhe Zaobao reported on the 5th, the preparation of the 4G team led by Huang Xuncai, Li Xianlong quoted Chinese idioms in English in English, and only owed Dongfeng to describe.After Li Xianlong said, he will follow Huang Xuncai's transfer. As long as he thinks I can play a role, I will go.The Nikkei Asia commented on the 5th that Li Xianlong announced the transfer of power to Huang Xuncai before the next election, thereby making the political transfer process clearer.

Singapore media reported that Li Xianlong also said on the same day that there are more opposition members in Congress, which does not mean that it can create a better government.He said that after Congress had more opposition members, it now spent more time debate.Political debate with constructive and responsible and responsible can explain doubts, clarify choices, explain policies and improve ideas, which is ideal.However, in fact, the debate of Congress has become a political scolding from time to time. The opposition party tries to score politically. The government has to try its best to explain various considerations and restrictions, and why the proposal of the opposition may not work. This cycle has become a political game.Li Xianlong said that the reason why he can successfully build Singapore is because the DAP has been fully supported by the Singaporean people and lived up to this support. He has unswervingly went on and achieved the pride of everyone.

Singapore reported on the 5th on the 5th that Li Xianlong mentioned that he was fortunate to have choked when he served the country in his life after his life, and he was speechless.His speech paused for about half a minute, and he applauded with the participants.Huang Xuncai, who is also deputy secretary -general of the People's Action Party, said in his speech on the 5th that he was ready to take over to lead Singapore and would continue to serve the country and the people.

But his handover plan is not smooth.

Singapore politics has been in a series of earthquakes this year, and there have been many scandals and controversy in the long -term ruling people's actors.First, Most Morgan, Minister of the Internal Affairs and Minister of Justice, and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Minister, was caught in a controversial incident of black and white houses. On July 11, the Minister of Transport Yi Huuren was arrested and suspended for corruption investigation.On July 17th, Chen Chuanren, Speaker of the Singapore People's Action Party Congress, and the members of the Congress of Tambinni, Zhong Lihui, retired from the party and resigned all their positions. The two maintained their long -term extramarital affairs.

These scandals and disputes made it difficult for the People's DAP to dissolve Congress in the short term and hold a general election.Therefore, after a few months of stability, it is completely clear now.Earlier, Li Xianlong only announced that Huang Xuncai was the leader of the fourth -generation leadership (domestic 4G) leader, but the specific timetable of the stick was not determined.

Li Xianlong shake hands with Huang Xuncai (front row left) at the DAP conference

The next election in Singapore was held in November 2025.In other words, the 51 -year -old Huang Xuncai has become the leader outside the Li family since the founding of the city -state country for nearly 60 years before this time.

Huang Xuncai, who was born in Hainan, China, was one of the two post -70s ministers in the Cabinet of Singapore. He worked in at least 7 government departments, including the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education, the National Development DepartmentCulture, community and youth ministry can be said to have rich political experience and diverse.From 2005 to 2008, he became Li Xianlong's chief private secretary.In 2009, Huang Xuncai, 37, was the director of the Singapore Energy Market Administration and was one of the youngest director at the time.

During the new crown epidemic, leading Singapore's anti -epidemic work made Huang Xun's fame.His exposure has the highest exposure and is considered to be a key figure in Singapore's stable response to the epidemic.Some Singaporean scholars believe that the Party's People's Action Party has selected a leader who can maintain calmness in a changing crisis situation, leading the team with meticulous analysis, and unswervingly helping Singaporeans in the continuous turbulent economy.

However, for Huang Xuncai, a professional background, the country who takes over also faces some challenges.Singapore has become one of the most cost -effective places in the world.The country's core inflation in June dropped slightly to 4.2%compared with the previous month.According to data in early August, Singapore's gasoline prices have soared to a 11 -month high, which has also exacerbated people's concerns about the continuous inflation of this Asian financial center.