Chinese official media reported that the California talks between China and the United States have achieved positive results.

According to China CCTV news reports, the climate talks held by China and the United States in California, the climate talks held in the United States, ended successfully on Wednesday (November 8).

It is reported that the two sides revolved around the "implementation of the spirit of the heads of state in Bali of the two countries, comprehensively and in -depth exchanges of opinions, carry out bilateral cooperation and actions of climate change, and jointly promote the United Nations Climate Change Framework Convention Convention of the Convention of the 28th Contract of the Convention on the Convention on the Framework of Climate Change.The Fang Conference has achieved positive results. "

The U.S. State Department announced earlier that the special envoy of the US presidential climate, Kerry and the Chinese climate change special envoy Jie Zhenhua, from last Saturday (November 4) in California.The 28th UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) was successfully held.