(Washington / Beijing Comprehensive News) U.S. passenger aircraft manufacturer Boeing may usher in the sales of its 737 MAX passenger aircraft during the first meeting of the China -US dollar this week.

Bloomberg News Sunday (November 12) quoted sources reported that the Chinese government was considering that while Chinese officials and US President Biden met in San Francisco, they promised to purchase Boeing jet air passenger planes to release the relationship between the relationship between the two countries recently thawed.Signal.

However, sources also said that the terms of the relevant agreement are still discussing, and it is expected that the formal order will not be announced, but the signing of memo or contract intent will not be announced; this transaction may also be on Wednesday (15th).Change before.

After two aircraft crash in Indonesia's Lion Airlines and Ethiopian Airlines in 2018, the Boeing 737 MAX models were grounded until the beginning of this year, it gradually recovered the commercial passenger of this model.

As of the end of June this year, 90%of China's Boeing 737 MAX passenger planes have resumed commercial operations.However, in the context of the continuous upgrading of China's political and trade tensions, Boeing has been hit hard in China, and has not received orders from China since 2017.

During this period, Chinese and European passenger aircraft manufacturers Airbus reached a number of cooperation, including three Chinese state -owned airlines in July last year ordered 292 passenger aircraft from Airbus. During the period of French President Macron's visit to China in April this year, he ordered it.160 overhead guest planes.

China COMAC's C919 passenger aircraft also completed the first commercial passenger flight in May this year, which means that Chinese domestic passenger planes have also joined the passenger aircraft manufacturing queue to compete directly with Boeing and Airbus.

Boeing has raised its expectations for the prospects of China's aviation industry in September this year. It is expected that China will account for about 20%of global aircraft demand in the next 20 years. By 2042, the number of Chinese passenger planes will reach 9600. The demand for the Boeing 737 MAX series will beIt will reach 6470.

Boeing 737 MAX passenger aircraft delivery work synchronized

According to Bloomberg, Boeing is also going to deliver 737 MAX passenger planes to China.This will be the Boeing aircraft that has been delivered to China again after four years since China grounded the Boeing 737 MAX model in March 2019.

A report released by Jehovri analysts this month said that Boeing has taken about a dozen planes to be shipped to China from inventory, but the work in recent weeks seems to have slowed down.

Two sources said that the time to restore the delivery has nothing to do with the order negotiations in China and the United States.Boeing has about 85 737 MAX passenger planes to be transported to China. Starting delivery will help Boeing to achieve the goal of shipping 375 to 400 aircraft this year.