In response to the issuance of administrative orders for the United States to prohibit US investors from investing in high -tech industries such as Chinese artificial intelligence, the China Trade Promotion Council's criticism of the ban will endanger the security and stability of the global industrial chain and will eventually harm its own interests.

According to CCTV News reported on Friday (September 29), a spokesman for the China Trade Promotion Association responded to the US investment ban recently.The spokesman said that the Chinese trade promotion and the China International Chamber of Commerce called on the United States to respect the laws of market economy and the principles of fair competition, and emphasized that the investment ban will endanger the security and stability of normal business exchanges between the two countries and the global industrial chain.

A spokesman said that the Chinese International Chamber of Commerce has formally submitted comments to the United States on behalf of the Chinese business community. It is hoped that the US government will earnestly listen to rational voices and carefully consider relevant rules.

The spokesman criticized that the U.S. investment ban listed China as the only "receiving country" under the current ban.The implementation of the "one -size -fits -all" investment supervision of civilian and military and civilian purposes not only increases the transaction risk and compliance costs of relevant transactions, it will have great uncertainty, but it will also destroy the current industrial chain that highly rely on global division of labor and cooperationEssence

A spokesman said that China is an important part that cannot be ignored in the global industrial chain of semiconductors, artificial intelligence, and quantum information technology.Progress ultimately damage the interests of the United States. "

The spokesman said that the Chinese business community always believes that the benign competition of open and free market access and peace is the cornerstone of economic development. The free and fair international economic order and stable global division of labor and cooperation are global business and commerce.The common interests of the world, win -win cooperation is the common vision of the Chinese and American industrial circles. It is willing to strengthen exchanges with industries including the United States and seek common development.

U.S. President Biden signed an administrative order on August 9, local time, to prohibit risk capital and private equity companies develop semiconductors and other microelectronics, quantum computers and certain artificial intelligence applications to China.Multiple funds.

The US Ministry of Finance said: "The Bayeng government is committed to maintaining US security and defending US national security by proper protection of the next generation of military innovation." At presentThe specific content of the bill proposes 83 questions, and the 45 -day public opinion consultation is conducted. The deadline for comments is September 28.