Although Tiktok has emphasized many times in the past three years, TIKTOK operates in the United States that it can be independent of the bytes of Chinese parent companies.Tiktok employees question the relationship between the company's dilute and byte beating.

The Wall Street Journal of the United States reported on Wednesday (September 27) that people familiar with the matter said that since the beginning of this year, the byte beating has been transferred to TIKTOK as a high -level position for sharing application income business.Some of these executives were transferred from Beijing headquarters to the United States from bytes, and some executives also brought teams from Beijing.

These senior executives sent to the United States are mainly responsible for supervising TIKTOK's advertising business, human resources, monetization, business marketing, and products related to advertising and e -commerce plans.

Learn from the predecessor and current TIKTOK employees who have learned about the relevant discussion, saying that this series of personnel mobilization has aroused concern of some Tiktok employees in the United States, and they also expressed dissatisfaction to Tiktok high -level internal dissatisfaction.They believe that the personnel change indicates that the influence of byte beating in Tiktok's operation is much more than disclosed by the company.

These employees revealed that in the past, byte beating will not intervene in Tiktok's money -making business, which is usually only responsible for approving budget and providing product suggestions.But earlier this year, these executives transferred from Beijing to the United States began to participate in more strategic issues to participate in TIKTOK.

A person familiar with the matter revealed that a Tiktok employee also reported to the Senator Cruz of the Dezhou Senator Cruz, hoping that the Republican team could investigate.

Tiktok CEO Zhou, who has been funded in March this year, went to the U.S. Congress to testify on the relationship between Tiktok and the Beijing government.However, the report said that some Tiktok employees complained to the management after watching the testimony of Zhou's capital, because they felt that Zhou's speeches in the US Congress did not truly state the relationship between Tiktok and bytes.

Tiktok spokesman responded that the company did not have the relationship between diluting and byte beating.In a large global organization, it is not uncommon for employees to work for different products or work in multiple places in their careers.