(Washington/Beijing Comprehensive News) The United States also included three Chinese companies in the blacklist of trade on the grounds that involving forced labor. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs pointed out that the incident was slander and discredit.

Comprehensive US Department of Land Security, Reuters and other news, the US Department of Homeland Security announced on Tuesday (September 26) in a statement that Xinjiang Zhongtai Group Co., Ltd., Xinjiang Tianshan Wool Textile Co., Ltd. and Xinjiang TiantianKidarios Textile Co., Ltd. is included in a list of physical lists to prevent forced Uyghur Labor Law (UFLPA). The company's products have been banned from entering the United States since Wednesday (September 27).

It is reported that with these three companies, there are 27 Chinese companies listed in the UFLPA entity list.

On the same day, the US State Department also announced the addition of the updated version of the Xinjiang Supply Chain Industry and Commerce Consultation Bulletin released in 2021, saying that it will continue to investigate the forced labor behavior in Xinjiang's supply chain.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the United States has set off a focus on Xinjiang.The Biden government alert, due to the duty investigation company and professional service company, weigh the risk of business in China.

Liu Pengyu, a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in the United States, pointed out that the incident is a typical economic coercion and a unilateral bullying in the United States.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a press conference on Wednesday (September 27) that the so -called Xinjiang has forced labor, which is a century lies for the anti -China forces to discredit Chinese.The essence is to destroy Xinjiang's prosperity and stability, curb China's development, and the rules of international trade and market order.

Three days ago, the Ministry of Commerce Industry and Security Agency announced that 10 Chinese companies and one individual were included in the entity list on the grounds of violation of US national security interests or foreign policies.

The US Minister of Commerce Raymond said last week that more than 700 Chinese companies are currently listed in the US export control list, of which more than one -third of them was joined during the Bayeng government.