The Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization (APEC) Summit will be held in San Francisco in November. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi stated on Tuesday (September 26) that APEC should not be a corner field that provokes confrontation, calling on the host of this summit to showThe openness, fairness, tolerance, and responsibility should be held to create better conditions for the meeting.

Scholars interviewed by the analysis of the scholars of Hong Kong, Li Jiachao, the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, has not been invited to participate in the APEC Summit.Wang Yi's statement hinted that the United States concession was conceded, and to the Sino -US dollar during the summit to eliminate obstacles.

Wang Yi, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office, at the press conference on Tuesday at a press conference on building a human destiny community in white paper on Tuesday.The highest level, the widest field, and the most influential economic cooperation mechanism should become a big stage for promoting cooperation.

Wang Yi said that China is a responsible country and has never been absent from important multilateral forums. As an important member of the world's largest developing country and APEC, China is willing to conform to the expectations of the international community.Willing to play a constructive role for this year's APEC.He also pointed out that multilateral diplomacy is an important platform for China ’s head of state to carry out heads of state, which has been highly valued by Chinese officials.

Wang Yi also said that regarding the arrangement of APEC, China is maintaining communication with all parties and will officially release news in a timely manner.

Wu Xinbo, Dean of the Institute of International Issues of Fudan University, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the United States may release the preliminary results of the Indo -Pacific Economic Framework negotiations during the APEC Summit to further crowd out to China.Wang Yi's statement shows that China may be vigilant against the United States on multilateral occasions.

Wu Xinbo believes that the United States may not hold this summit in accordance with multilateral rules. Based on unilateral sanctions against Hong Kong, he did not issue a invitation letter to Li Jiachao, making Beijing think it is necessary to speak further.

After the U.S. Trump administration implemented the Hong Kong National Security Law in June 2020, Li Jiachao, then Hong Kong Security Director, imposed sanctions, which means that Li Jiachao will not obtain visas to enter the United States.

The Washington Post quoted unnamed US officials in July this year that Li Jiachao will be banned by the White House to attend the APEC meeting, but the news has not been officially confirmed.

Li Jiachao said at a regular press conference on Tuesday that he has not been invited to attend the APEC summit, "I'm still waiting to send me an invitation letter."

Li Mingjiang, an associate professor at the Laulinan International Research Institute of Nanyang University of Science and Technology in Singapore, studied in an interview and judged that the United States had imposed sanctions on senior Hong Kong's senior management in the past few years.Conversely, "If the Hong Kong Chief Executive was allowed, it can be interpreted for the United States to make a concession on Beijing on the Hong Kong issue."

Wu Xinbo predicts that if the United States continues to maintain a tough attitude towards China, it does not rule out that China may not attend the plan to attend the Twenty Group (G20) summit held in New Delhi this month, and send a staff member to attend the APEC summit.He expects that the possibility of meeting the first meeting in San Francisco is "fifty to fifty".

Li Mingjiang believes that the possibility of achieving the head of state before the end of the year is more likely, because the symbolic significance of this meeting is of great significance to Sino -US relations, and it is also a test for the interaction since June of the two countries.If it cannot be achieved, it will not only bring some negative impacts on Sino -US relations, but also in the Asia -Pacific region and the Indo -Pacific region, which will also worry many people to worry about Sino -US relations and continue to decline. "

Li Mingjiang analyzed, although Wang Yi's latest statement cannot see whether the meeting will be held before the end of the first year of the Chinese and US dollars, Beijing still has a strong willingness to promote the meeting between the two countries.More stable and more substantial cooperation, because this is still important for China's development.

A new round of turbulence in the coastal situation in China recently, Wang Yi also emphasized on Tuesday that insisting on resolving between state differences and disputes through dialogue and negotiation, opposing the security space of expecked military alliances and squeezing other countries.

Li Mingjiang analyzed that Wang Yi's lecture was to take the opportunity to criticize the security policy of the Philippines recently upgraded the relationship with the United States.He pointed out that China currently adopts a two -handed strategy of adopting a dialogue on the South China Sea issue and at the same time with strong response to dispute contradictions. Among them, a strong approach will undoubtedly exacerbate relations with surrounding territorial disputed countries.

China and the Philippines have continued to burn in the past few months around the South China Haihuangyan Island (Philippines).The Philippine Coast Guard said on Sunday that it was found that the Chinese sea police ship set up a floating barrier of about 300 meters near Skobel's shallow beach to block the Philippine fishing vessels from entering.One day later, the Philippine Coast Guard announced that it had removed these floating barriers.