The world is entering the polarization stage, and now it is more dependent on each other than ever. Finding common values and building communities will be a way to deal with tensions.

Jeffrey Sachs, a professor of economics in Columbia University, put forward the above views on Wednesday (September 27) at the Nishan World Civilization Forum in Qufu, Shandong, China.

Sax said that there is no common value in the world at present, there are many differences, and there are a lot of distrust.

He proposed to find a common value and build a community to cope with the current tension and overcome the crisis facing the world, especially finding the coexistence of peace and harmony.

Sax also believes that the biggest reason for the world is facing serious tensions. The biggest reason may be that the order of the world is changing.

He said: "We are really entering a multi -polarized world. We have not yet formed a common value or common understanding of the new multi -pole world. At the same timeCorrected, we depend on each other more than any time. "

Nishan World Civilization Forum enters the ninth session.Communication and mutual learning to deal with global challenges together. "

According to the China Economic Daily, the Nishan Forum has a main forum, 13 parallel sub -forums and series of discussions and exchanges, which is carried out by combining online and offline.